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Links to scratchcards/useful resources on each project page #161

Closed andylolz closed 5 months ago

andylolz commented 9 years ago

I find my club members sometimes need reminding of stuff like this:


It’d be handy to define a set of useful links (to relevant scratchcards, and generally handy resources like this) in the project frontmatter, and then show these links on the project page.

rikcross commented 9 years ago

New Scratch cards are on my to do list. I wonder whether it's worth creating a list of useful card topics first, so that I can write them up as new cards? We could then link to them as you suggest. It'd also mean we don't have to cross-link to other projects (for example, "forgotten what a variable is? go to the balloons project", which involves sifting through the entire project to find the relevant bit).

Suggestions for Scratch cards, based on the things I get asked a lot:

Costumes; Sounds; Score (variables); Timers (variables / loops); Sprites throwing objects (cloning); Player movement -- platform (events/coordinates); Player movement -- overhead (events/loops/decisions).

It might be nice to focus on 'things to make' rather than just the underlying concepts, so for example I've put coordinates in a 'player movement' card. What do you think?

andylolz commented 9 years ago

This sounds great! Glad you’ve been thinking about this.

It might be nice to focus on 'things to make' rather than just the underlying concepts, so for example I've put coordinates in a 'player movement' card. What do you think?

Yeah definitely, that’s much better.

Tricky to remember other examples! I’ll have a think. It’s a good question to throw out to the Code Club volunteer community.

martinpeck commented 9 years ago

A couple of common requests I get are:

I wrote this little game to play with the last two on this list (platforms, gravity, collision etc): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/53657486/

I wrote this game to play with shooting, moving, clones: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/54918048/

rikcross commented 9 years ago

Cheers @martinpeck

martinpeck commented 9 years ago

Oh, the other one I get a lot is how to retro-fit a "start/intro" screen, and how to add a "game over/score" screen. I end up teaching the kids that it's bad to wire up things to "when green flag clicked". Instead, they should have messages for "intro", "game start", "game over" and write up everything to those message, and make the green flash broadcast an event.

I'm not sure if that's something that could fit on a card, but it's a pattern that I end up showing kids.

rikcross commented 9 years ago

That's the aim of the 'Brain Game' project. It's a really simple game but with a start screen and start button.


But you're right -- there should be a card with a simplified version of a start screen.