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HTML & CSS Term 1 not showing #195

Closed rik-cross closed 7 years ago

rik-cross commented 7 years ago

Term 1 of HTML & CSS is not showing:

screen shot 2016-09-02 at 13 01 55

I think this is because the codeclubrobot is having trouble with the 'Recipe' project. Until recently, the project had it's files split over recipe and Recipe folders. @grega helped fix this, and I know that I had to stop ignoring case sensitivity on my local machine.

Does something similar need doing for the environment in which codeclubrobot auto-builds?

phazor commented 7 years ago

Is there an alternate location to source the HTML & CSS 1 projects from in the meantime?

martinpeck commented 7 years ago

Is this not simply that the files you're trying to build don't exist?

I see this in the logs...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/build.py", line 890, in build
    term = parse_manifest(m, theme)
  File "/app/build.py", line 1015, in parse_manifest
    project = parse_project_manifest(p, base_dir, theme)
  File "/app/build.py", line 1036, in parse_project_manifest
    filename  = expand_glob(base_dir, p['filename'],     one_file = True)
  File "/app/build.py", line 1271, in expand_glob
    raise AssertionError("Looked for one file matching '%s', found: %r"%(os.path.join(base_dir,paths), output))
AssertionError: Looked for one file matching '/app/lessons/webdev/zh-CN/Recipe/Recipe.md', found: []
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/build.py", line 890, in build
    term = parse_manifest(m, theme)
  File "/app/build.py", line 1015, in parse_manifest
    project = parse_project_manifest(p, base_dir, theme)
  File "/app/build.py", line 1036, in parse_project_manifest
    filename  = expand_glob(base_dir, p['filename'],     one_file = True)
  File "/app/build.py", line 1271, in expand_glob
    raise AssertionError("Looked for one file matching '%s', found: %r"%(os.path.join(base_dir,paths), output))
AssertionError: Looked for one file matching '/app/lessons/webdev/en-GB/Recipe/Recipe.md', found: []

Note that in both cases the .md file has an upper case R for Recipe.md, where as the materials in the webdev-curriculum repo do not...

https://github.com/CodeClub/webdev-curriculum/blob/master/en-GB/Recipe/recipe.md https://github.com/CodeClub/webdev-curriculum/tree/master/zh-CN/Recipe/recipe.md

My guess is that fixing the .manifest files to refer to existing files will fix this.

martinpeck commented 7 years ago

I've made the manifest changes in https://github.com/CodeClub/webdev-curriculum/commit/81c935944e5eb4d9d40d7c1e0a2c9e265357014a

rik-cross commented 7 years ago

Whoops - thanks @martinpeck!

martinpeck commented 7 years ago

I'm running a build with the changes to confirm this.

rik-cross commented 7 years ago

@martinpeck - I've tested it, and you were right. The changes are now live :)

rik-cross commented 7 years ago

Hi @phazor - sorry that the projects were unavailable, but everything should be fixed now.

martinpeck commented 7 years ago

See! I'm not just a pretty face! :)