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Write an irc tutorial for a2chat pls! #35

Open knghtbrd opened 6 years ago

knghtbrd commented 6 years ago

We see it all the time, folks popping in to #a2c.chat on irc.a2central.com (c'mon and join us) fumbling with irssi because they don't know the commands yet, and they didn't learn to use screen, so they tend to not hang around, and they don't know how it all works. And it's not that there are many commands, it's just that irssi assumes you know something about it like slash commands, and that's not a safe assumption. (I tend to prefer weechat to irssi, but it's even more "we assume you know what you're doing or read the manual".)

Just a reminder this needs fixin'.

TrogdorsArm commented 6 years ago

It's been a long time since I used irc. So a quick search, I found http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html and that helped refresh my brain. Hopefully this URL can help with the tutorial.

I've used screen very little, but it's on my list of 'Things to Learn'. 'man screen' is my friend, time is not.