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Ensure AN editor (that isn't vim) can handle CR/LF/CRLF. #6

Closed knghtbrd closed 9 years ago

knghtbrd commented 9 years ago

One really useful feature of vim is that it is intelligent about line endings on text documents, if you're consistent about line endings on text documents. :)

There are todos and tounix tools which are over-glorified versions of the tr shell command, and someone could write a tomac as well. But at least as useful would be an editor that didn't depend on your file being in a particular line ending. It should be a couple of lines of code to try and figure out what the dominant line ending type is and go with that.

knghtbrd commented 9 years ago

I don't have a wheezy version in front of me, but nano in jessie does this with meta-m and meta-d automatically. That resolves the issue I think. :)