Open isdito opened 1 year ago
Isn't the headposture example what you need?
There you have a vector pointing in the direction of the face, including mediapipe and cv2 rotation vectors. The bounding box can be inferred from the vector and its normal plane.
Hello Rasmus,
I check the code and I think that works but have any issues. Because I'm not a programmer, I'm a videographer and I try to get to do things with python.
I don't know if it can be improved, I have some doubts.
I leave you the original video at 100fps of my sons and the final result that is at 25 fps slowing down everything(This has not been wanted)
Original :
FInal :
Problem 1:
When i remove this line
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
give me this error
landmarks = landmarks[:, :468]
NameError: name 'landmarks' is not defined
Fragment code
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
#img_h, img_w = frame.shape[:2]
results = face_mesh.process(frame)
multi_face_landmarks = results.multi_face_landmarks
if multi_face_landmarks :
face_landmarks = multi_face_landmarks[0]
landmarks = np.array([(lm.x, lm.y, lm.z) for lm in face_landmarks.landmark]
# print(landmarks.shape)
landmarks = landmarks.T
if refine_landmarks is not None:
landmarks = landmarks[:, :468]
metric_landmarks, pose_transform_mat = get_metric_landmarks(landmarks.copy(), pcf)
Secodn problem
I understand that of the rotation vector I have to look at the Y component that every time it approaches 0 it seems that it is looking at the camera
what do you think? do you think it can be improved
what do i want
Slow down the recorded video sequence to 100 fps when a person looks at the camera and then return to normal speed Apply a sine curve function that will slow down the frame rate for x time and speed it up again
I'm sorry, but I can't help you with such specific issue. You will have to learn python and figure it out yourself.
Thank you
Good night,
I am looking for a way with the face points array, get its bounding box and face rotation (tilt, yaw, roll).
mat = np.array(face_landmarks.landmark)
It returns the array of face points if I can't find out how it's rotated, at least through the boundigbox knowing its size
Can you help me, reggards