Hi, sourcing laser or waterjet cut panels is annoying at the moment due to the supply chain and Covid.
So, I wrote an OpenSCAD script for making printable electronics mounts. The nice thing is that each board gets it's own mount. With this modularity, and I can rearrange the electronics later if I want to. Here are some pictures:
The green part represents the Duet3 Mini 5+ PCB and the black is the rail.
Is this reasonable? Are there more elegant designs around? Is this a worthwhile contribution?
Hi, sourcing laser or waterjet cut panels is annoying at the moment due to the supply chain and Covid.
So, I wrote an OpenSCAD script for making printable electronics mounts. The nice thing is that each board gets it's own mount. With this modularity, and I can rearrange the electronics later if I want to. Here are some pictures:
The green part represents the Duet3 Mini 5+ PCB and the black is the rail.
Is this reasonable? Are there more elegant designs around? Is this a worthwhile contribution?
Thanks, -Mike