RatInABox-Lab / RatInABox

A python package for modelling locomotion in complex environments and spatially/velocity selective cell activity.
MIT License
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Modules of grid cells with uniform offsets #106

Closed TomGeorge1234 closed 4 months ago

TomGeorge1234 commented 4 months ago

A user asked: *"If I want to generate 104 grid cells with uniform phase offset, 10 cells in each module and 4 modules in total. What is the best way to do that?"**

There are three params you care about here: "gridscale", "orientation" and "phase_offset". If these are passed as tuples RatInABox assumes they are specifying the parameters of a distribution you wish to sample from (specified by the "_distribution" param, see doc string for more info). If they are passed as array-like objects it assumes you want to set them manually from this array (in which case the length of the array should of course match "n").

So in your case I would use the "modules" distribution for gridscale (the tuple then gives a list of module gridscales in meters) and set the other two manually (I don't know exactly what you want here but the below makes each module slightly rotated from the last and cells in each module uniformly move from [0,0] to [2pi, 2pi] phase offset but im sure you can generalise).

Env = Environment()
Ag = Agent(Env)
GCs = GridCells(Ag, params={
     "gridscale_distribution": "modules", #the 40 cells are split evenly between the four modules
     "orientation":([0]*10 + [0.1]*10 + [0.2]*10 + [0.3]*10),
     "phase_offset":[(1/10)*(i%10)*np.array([2*np.pi, 2*np.pi]) for i in range(40)]



Make sense?

ZilongJi commented 4 months ago

Great! Makes lots of sense! Many thanks!