RatPoison-dev / RatPoison

Latest Ver: 1.7; Default Menu Key is F1; Charlatano's Successor; dn
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Game crashes after awhile. I get the error below after i drag the sliders according to how i want it and whatnot. #8

Closed codyxd closed 5 years ago

codyxd commented 5 years ago

waiting for CSGO Initializing overlay Exception in thread "Thread-9" javax.script.ScriptException: error: unresolved reference: KNIFE_T KNIFE_T ^

    at org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.repl.KotlinJsr223JvmScriptEngineBase.compileAndEval(KotlinJsr223JvmScriptEngineBase.kt:65)
    at org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.repl.KotlinJsr223JvmScriptEngineBase.eval(KotlinJsr223JvmScriptEngineBase.kt:31)
    at javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine.eval(AbstractScriptEngine.java:264)
    at rat.poison.scripts.aim.SetAimKt$setAim$$inlined$every$1.invoke(Every.kt:26)
    at rat.poison.scripts.aim.SetAimKt$setAim$$inlined$every$1.invoke(Every.kt)
    at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30)

Waiting for CSGO InterruptedException java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted at java.lang.Thread.sleep(Native Method) at rat.poison.overlay.Overlay.getWindowHWND(Overlay.kt:217) at rat.poison.overlay.Overlay.monitorTargetApp(Overlay.kt:100) at rat.poison.overlay.Overlay.access$monitorTargetApp(Overlay.kt:17) at rat.poison.overlay.Overlay$start$1.invoke(Overlay.kt:66) at rat.poison.overlay.Overlay$start$1.invoke(Overlay.kt:17) at kotlin.concurrent.ThreadsKt$thread$thread$1.run(Thread.kt:30) OverlayWindowMonitorThread died!

TheRatCode commented 5 years ago

Is the 'it crashes after awhile' related to the errors or is it a separate problem?

codyxd commented 5 years ago

I think its just that my lappy has become shit that its unable to handle the game. CSGO force closes and then that's what's written in the cmd.

TheRatCode commented 5 years ago

Just pushed a possible fix for both errors, lmk if it works and close this issue whenever.

Also if the crashing is unrelated, afaik chams might still crash csgo. Its been completely random and consumes hours to test so I haven't been able to and haven't used it recently.

codyxd commented 5 years ago

Well, as Ratpoison keeps getting updated, it seems to be fixing Thank you! another issue i found out is that i think it still can't save to default config or the others. I mean, idk, the saving slow or something. Rat

This is the error thingy. Idk whether I got after saving or something but yeah, when i tried to save my settings, It wasn't able to save. So like, whenever i have to restart my csgo and open the cheat, i have to reconfigure it all.

TheRatCode commented 5 years ago

Saving works fine for me on the latest build, is it still broken for you?