RatingPosterDB / rpdb-folders

Monitors Media Folders and Adds Images with Ratings (poster.jpg / background.jpg) from the RPDB API
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
23 stars 2 forks source link

Error: ENOENT #21

Closed memnos closed 3 years ago

memnos commented 3 years ago

I'v just bought a api key, i wrote a mail with this problem but i think it is better to write here.

The api works fine.

I'm using rpdb folders with windows and i have network folders mounted

I though it was all automatic, but i don't understand how to make it start. I think i settled all up, but i don't know how to start scan and download posters with ratings. I managed to scan manually a folder and select poster, but how to make i write the poster to the movie folder?

I have network folders mounted in windows.

Can you give me any suggestions?

In console i see this.

{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir 'Z:\Movies\12 anni schiavo (2013)' at Object.readdirSync (fs.js:790:3) at Object.fs.readdirSync (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:828:35) at getDirectories (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\index.js:0:0) at theseFolders.forEach.mediaFolder (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\index.js:0:0) at Array.forEach () at startFetchingPosters (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\index.js:0:0) at app.get.passwordValid (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\index.js:0:0) at passwordValid (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\index.js:0:0) at app.get (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\index.js:0:0) at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (C:\snapshot\rpdb-folders\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) errno: -4058, syscall: 'scandir', code: 'ENOENT', path: 'Z:\Movies\12 anni schiavo (2013)' }

jaruba commented 3 years ago

That error states that the folder does not exist when the app tries to read the files from inside that folder.

Try this:

jaruba commented 3 years ago

Closing this issue as the user that had this error has declined payment for the current month and development should be directed towards active users.

This is the only case that had issues writing / reading files and folders from a network storage that I know of, which makes it an isolated case. If other users encounter it in the future I'll restart the investigation.

For historical purposes, the current research seemed to suggest that:

The discussions with the user that raised the issue seemed to suggest that this was not the case though, further investigation would of been required to resolve it.