Ratismal / MoneyThief

MoneyThief plugin - Bukkit
MIT License
2 stars 4 forks source link

PlayerDeathEvent to MoneyThief v1.2.10 #5

Closed madtomic closed 9 years ago

madtomic commented 9 years ago


I didn't fix it. I can't make of this. This is weird.

madtomic commented 9 years ago

It happens randomly with different players.

Ratismal commented 9 years ago

Ok, I'm looking into this issue right now.

Out of curiosity, what fix did you apply that initially made it appear to work?

Ratismal commented 9 years ago

Does this happen every time a player kills a baby zombie, or sporadically? Because on my test server I killed one and nothing bad happened.

Ratismal commented 9 years ago

I think I know what is causing this issue. The event listeners are trying to add money to a non-existent account. This could be an issue with iConomy, which would explain why I was unable to recreate the issue. Can you ensure that iConomy is working correctly and report back to me with the results? If that's not the cause of the issue, I'll make you a debug version of MoneyThief to get some more information.

madtomic commented 9 years ago

Ok, I'm thinking it's my custom build iconomy. Let me check and double check and get back with you. If need. I will send you a copy of it so you can see what is causing the issue.

madtomic commented 9 years ago

I PM you on bukkit of my custom bulid iconomy. Maybe you can check it out. The only change was not use username but use uuid instead.

madtomic commented 9 years ago

Like you said, I'm thinking it's how it is trying to add money to a non-existent account because iconomy changed to uuid and not username?

Ratismal commented 9 years ago

Do any of your other economy plugins work? My suggestion would be to delete all of the economy files so that it can generate new ones. Make sure to make backups first! If this doesn't work, it might be an issue with Vault. Due to how iConomy uses player names, it might be an issue that it doesn't support your custom version with UUID's. As seen here, the withdrawPlayer and depositPlayer functions use playernames instead of UUID's. If this is the case, I have no idea what to do.

madtomic commented 9 years ago

Then, I would need a custom build of vault to support uuid. ERR

madtomic commented 9 years ago

Thank you for looking into this. I'll try a fix of vault and see. =)

Ratismal commented 9 years ago

No problem. I'm going to close this issue now, but if anything else arises related to it feel free to keep commenting them here.