Ratismal / MoneyThief

MoneyThief plugin - Bukkit
MIT License
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It's not working #9

Open EpicRealms opened 8 years ago

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

Well i don't know why it's not wroking. I downloaded the .jar and instaled the plugin successfuly. I configurarted the file as I wanted and no one is earning Money at the server by PvE or PvP. Here is the config.yml I hope that you can help me. config.yml.txt

Ratismal commented 8 years ago

Do you have a permission plugin, and if so do players have the moneythief.PVE and moneythief.PVP permission nodes? This is the only thing I can think of.

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

Yes. I have PermissionEx and yes the have those nodes.

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

wait... It's moneythief.PvE or moneythief.PVE? But still i'm the owner and i do not recive Money from it (i have all the nodes cause i'm op and I have ´*´ node)

Ratismal commented 8 years ago

It's moneythief.PVE and moneythief.PVP (with the caps). Does anything appear in console?

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

I havê already check and i enter the node with caos. And the only thing it says is that ITA outra of date. But the next version its to 1.9

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

Its out of date*

Ratismal commented 8 years ago

Try updating to the latest version. It's compatible with both 1.8 and 1.9. Could I get a list of plugins on your server?

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

I'll try that.

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

It doesn't work...

Ratismal commented 8 years ago

Could I get a list of plugins on your server?

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

PlayerHeads, WorldEdit, ChatColors, ArcaneEnchants, Essentials, ClearLag, TuxTwoLib, Buycraft, Modifyworld, Lockette, WorldGuard, iConomy, PermissionsEx, SimpleCommandSigns, NickOfPlayer, Lottery, Vault, PlayerParticles, LandLord, GriefLog, ChestShop, MultiInv, PlotMe, AutoAnnouncer, Multiverse-Core, Spawners, Multiverse-SignPortals, MoneyTheif, ChatEx, Multiverse-Portals, MyPet, Prison and HolographicDisplays

EpicRealms commented 8 years ago

Can you help me? Im wainting for an answer for a mounth

Ratismal commented 8 years ago

I constructed a test server on 1.9 containing all of those plugins, but MoneyThief worked fine. I have no idea what the issue is.

I've put together a debug version of MoneyThief version 1.3.2 that I'd like you to try. It's the exact same plugin, but it prints information to console whenever an entity is killed. A link to it is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/73eg3be6tt6ts4k/MoneyThief-1.3.2-DEBUG.jar?dl=0 Can you try killing an entity using this debug version? It might be helpful.