Raulfin / PCaPP

Repository for XMLs for Perkus Maxamus
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Armoury of Tamriel v2 #298

Open Raulfin opened 9 years ago

Raulfin commented 9 years ago


Raulfin commented 9 years ago

SkyProc XML tweaks. In AoT material is separated from style (so you can have glass nordic dagger or orichalcum dwarven greatsword). Material probably should stay the same, but styles get their own weapon modification ids (so style would actually matter, not just material)? Some weapons are not recognised as swords (Iron Stormsword, for example). Ancient Swords are classified draugr in quality (as oposed to say... Ancient War Axe), so material doesn't matter (dwarven ancient sword and iron ancient sword are different in weight only). Dremora style weapons are always classified as daedric (should be by material). Breton are becoming elven. I think Dwemer material is already written down in XML.

ESP. Would be nice to get longbow weapon variants (and get them in leveled lists) if it's not too much of a hassle.