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Asset Unavailable Icon (Red Circle with X) Does Not Clear The Asset Name Field #7

Open dustinlewis opened 5 years ago

dustinlewis commented 5 years ago

It appears that the red circle icon that indicates the asset name is unavailable should clear the asset name field when tapped. This is not the case. Adding the clear functionality could be an option to alleviate the confusion.

Menwitz commented 5 years ago

it is not really supposed to be cleared, we need to lookup android UX rules to see if that's something we want. As an android user I never expect that! iOS require this though.

dustinlewis commented 4 years ago

? This is fairly common on Android. You can look at Android UX rules in the material design. EditText widgets have end icons and one that is built-in is a clear text icon. https://material.io/develop/android/components/text-input-layout/#end-icon-modes