RavenSystem / esp-homekit-devices

Advanced firmware to add native Apple HomeKit and custom configurations, compatible with any SoC based on ESP32, ESP32-S, ESP32-C and ESP8266 series. (Shelly, Sonoff, Electrodragon, Tuya...)
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Sonoff #69

Closed Kristian8606 closed 5 years ago

Kristian8606 commented 6 years ago

I have a working sonoff switch that has been reset for no reason and I have to add it to my homekit . I do not know what could be the reason to reset. did anyone have a similar case. Do you think that a disturbance could affect the reset button. I’m sorry my bad english

RavenSystem commented 6 years ago

Do you add your accessory to HomeKit only? Or you must setup Wifi first?

What firmware version has your Sonoff?

Kristian8606 commented 6 years ago

I add WIFI then add it to my home The version is Sonoff RavenCore Version 0.4.3

RavenSystem commented 6 years ago

There is a system to avoid interferences that produce a factory reset. But of course there is a very little chance to fail.

Report if issue occurs again. Maybe this is an isolated case and never happens again.

Kristian8606 commented 6 years ago

thank you will report

Kristian8606 commented 6 years ago

today I plugged an electrical appliance into the outlet and the sonoff restarts its configuration again. How can I fix this problem?

RavenSystem commented 6 years ago

Try version 0.4.4. I have released it a few minutes ago.

yura2507 commented 6 years ago

Hello! Which firmware to update Sonoff Touch EU 1ch.? 0.4.10 and 0.5.0 do not work. Thanks.

RavenSystem commented 6 years ago

@yura2507 It should work with device type 1. Can you provide logs indicating when you press button, please?

yura2507 commented 6 years ago

@yura2507 It should work with device type 1. Can you provide logs indicating when you press button, please?

After the firmware, I do not see the wi-fi device. The firmware ESPEASY_MEGA is recorded and running. (Chip is ESP8285) esptool.py --port COM3 erase_flash esptool.py v2.5.1 Serial port COM3 Connecting.... Detecting chip type... ESP8266 Chip is ESP8285 Features: WiFi, Embedded Flash MAC: 60:01:94:84:62:4d Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Erasing flash (this may take a while)... Chip erase completed successfully in 5.1s Hard resetting via RTS pin...

I write down the firmware ESP8266Flasher: Note:Serial port connected. Note:Begin find ESP8266. Note:ESP8266 ACK success. Note:ESP8266 ACK success. Note:Set base address success. Note:Program flash success. Note:Program flash success.

yura2507 commented 6 years ago

@yura2507 It should work with device type 1. Can you provide logs indicating when you press button, please?


yura2507 commented 6 years ago

@yura2507 It should work with device type 1. Can you provide logs indicating when you press button, please?

It was possible to download the firmware by another program. The switch works, the network (ravencore-84623D) has appeared. I could not connect yet :).


yura2507 commented 6 years ago

@yura2507 It should work with device type 1. Can you provide logs indicating when you press button, please?

Everything worked out! Thank you!

yura2507 commented 6 years ago

How can I connect a temperature sensor to the device (Sonoff Touch EU 1ch (ESP8285))? What pin?

yura2507 commented 6 years ago

I apologize for the trouble. Everything worked out. GPIO14 - worked.

yura2507 commented 6 years ago

Could you please advise as for device Sonoff Basic. Is it possible to realize mode of 2 channels on it? One channel we have (is available) and the second like on GPIO14. One more question about frequency (how often) scanning of temperature sensors? Is it possible to realize the function of permanent scanning or at least with 3-10 sec. delay?

RavenSystem commented 6 years ago


Could you please advise as for device Sonoff Basic. Is it possible to realize mode of 2 channels on it? One channel we have (is available) and the second like on GPIO14.

That is a very custom setup. A better way is to use a Sonoff Dual with device type 2.

One more question about frequency (how often) scanning of temperature sensors?

30 seconds.

Is it possible to realize the function of permanent scanning or at least with 3-10 sec. delay?

Permanent scanning no, it's impossible. But it's possible to add a function to customize time between temperature readings, selecting from 3 to 60 secs, for example. If you are interested, please, create a new issue with that matter.