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MPS CI relies on slow and expensive Travis CI #109

Open rptb1 opened 1 year ago

rptb1 commented 1 year ago

Since Travis CI have gone commercial:

GitHub now provides CI.


We could use both. We should maintain a connection with Travis CI to avoid dependency on GitHub.

rptb1 commented 1 year ago

I briefly investigated Amazon AWS for CI.

I tried following the example at GitHub pull request and webhook filter sample for CodeBuild but under "Operating system" the only choices are "Amazon Linux 2", "Ubuntu", and "Windows Server 2019". No FreeBSD. There does not seem to be a selection of processor architectures. The CodeBuild FAQ does not even mention a C toolchain.

The other DevOps products from Amazon are layers on top of CodeBuild.

So at least at first glance it looks as if CI using AWS would require us to create or find a bunch of glue code to kick off EC2 images, collect results, etc.

lassik commented 1 year ago

See also https://cirrus-ci.org/pricing/

rptb1 commented 1 year ago

See also https://cirrus-ci.org/pricing/

Thanks. I see Apple Silicon on the list, which could be very handy.

There's also big list of CI services at https://github.com/ligurio/awesome-ci

rptb1 commented 1 year ago

Reopening this issue because even our remaining Travis CI builds (FreeBSD and arm64) are looking doubtful and we need redundancy at least. (Also, we have arm64 pull requests I want covered!)