Ravenbrook / mps

The Memory Pool System
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Git Repo needs GitHub-specific procedures section #94

Open rptb1 opened 1 year ago

rptb1 commented 1 year ago

The MPS is migrating from Perforce to git and using GitHub. We will need documentation of GitHub-specific procedures (as opposed to Git-specific procedures, see #190 ).

For example, we found out today that if you rename a branch referenced by a pull request, GitHub closes the pull request. (This accidentally closed https://github.com/Ravenbrook/mps/pull/82 .) So we need a procedure for when a branch has an incorrect name that involves checking for pull requests, and deferring the rename until they are resolved. Or something like that. (See keybase://chat/ravenbrook#mps/2492 )

I'm sure there will be others.

rptb1 commented 1 year ago

GitHub procedures should also include management of Travis CI.

For example, when a version branch is created, a Travis CI cron job should be created to ensure that the version continues to build even when the environment changes.