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[Bugs] Shadow Dance cooldown resetting and getting stuck on 1:00 #56

Open Sandrinad opened 6 years ago

Sandrinad commented 6 years ago

Game Version:



Changing item set resets the cooldown of Shadow Dance to 1 minute and doesn't tick down

Reproduce rate:

Unable to reproduce


Changing item set seems to reset the cooldown and keep it at 1 minute until you use a CP spender (Video here: https://youtu.be/LPJwFUbpk7I?t=1369) items I was changing were Umbral Moonglaives -> Specter of Betrayal, Legendary Cloak -> Tier Cloak, 930 Crit/Vers Wrists -> Legendary Wrists, Tier Gloves -> 940 Crit/Mastery gloves. Has happened to me multiple times in the past few weeks but haven't recorded it until now.


Change multiple pieces of gear mid shadow dance cooldown, potentially linked to Legendary Cloak or Wrists.

fuu1 commented 6 years ago

cant confirm 100% but the bug happened to me today in m+ 2 or 3 times but seems to be visual only now (from previously affecting the cooldown).

fuu1 commented 6 years ago

the bug is fixed. I wasn't able to recreate it in multiple runs. There where no visual nor cooldown problems.

fuu1 commented 6 years ago

the bug is back, reintroduced as of 7.3.