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[APL] Assassination AoE Modifications #79

Closed EvanMichaels closed 6 years ago

EvanMichaels commented 6 years ago

I made some rather naive optimizations to test some conceptual changes for Assassination AoE scenarios.

This results in a gain at any number of additional persistent targets for the default profiles, with rather significant gains at more targets. This is a larger gain for FoK profiles but normal profiles still gain rather substantial amounts at 4+ targets and HAC profiles (+20%).


2T Sim: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/4t1LTcSjhX1UjQeKMk2Rxe 3T Sim: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/2x3cyY5A5FqA9jvAFkHzC6 4T Sim: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/mXUyFEwfTeif1yCKVnFtT8 HAC Sim: https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/e1j37S9ab9VUxkCic6j7dK

This is fairly basic and may need additional logic for the Rupture line(s) and probably could use additional checks for talents. I wasn't totally certain what other things might need to be considered, as this was just from the perspective of the current talent/gear setup.

EvanMichaels commented 6 years ago

Can also add this Envenom line for a minor gain in 2-3 targets (depending on situation)

actions.aoe+=/rupture,cycle_targets=1,if=combo_points>=4&refreshable&(pmultiplier<=1|remains<=tick_time)&(!exsanguinated|remains<=tick_time*2)&target.time_to_die-remains>2 actions.aoe+=/envenom,if=combo_points>=cp_max_spend actions.aoe+=/fan_of_knives

EvanMichaels commented 6 years ago
