Ravenslofty / 74xx-liberty

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Generate KiCad netlists #3

Closed pepijndevos closed 5 years ago

pepijndevos commented 5 years ago

I made some initial progress towards generating KiCad netlists from Verilog. It's still very WIP, as it only supports the adder and flip-flop needed for the counter benchmark (when you remove the reset part) It also quite liberally uses the "wrong" part for the dff, but functionally it should be fine. Stuff left to do:

Progress on the chips:


pepijndevos commented 5 years ago

Look at this beauty! Screenshot from 2019-06-27 17-39-38

pepijndevos commented 5 years ago

This contains functional equivalents of all chips now, and can generate a netlist for all benchmarks in theory. It's just really slow for the larger benchmarks. Right now using "classic" pinouts for 74AC11 parts, and the 8-bit version of the 74AC16 DFF.

I think it's OK to merge this now. I will come back to the ERC warnings and 74AC11 series another time. Time to fix some bugs and start building that bit-serial CPU. Would simplify my git branch jungle a bit if this stuff was on master.


pepijndevos commented 5 years ago

Actually, fixing ERC seems pretty easy, will do that tonight https://github.com/xesscorp/skidl/issues/61#issuecomment-510848610