RavienGaming / Reforged-Eden-2

Reforged Eden 2 bug reporting
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Getting an immense amount of errors on logging in #242

Closed danielsolaro closed 1 month ago

danielsolaro commented 1 month ago

Reforged Eden 2 Build Number


Game mode

Dedicated Server

Tested in vanilla

Not tested in vanilla or not applicable

Description of issue

Logged in today on Anvil, an error message and console showing a list of errors adding new lines non- stop for a while... then it finished loading everything I guess (?) and stopped. Quit the game, restart everything, same on login. I can't move my view, can't change camera, I CAN change weapons on toolbar but they don't appear on the screen.. after errors stop I can finally see my ship and do any actions correctly. It seems to be while things are loading, I'm on a polaris trade sector parked a meter away from a lambda station. Have a CV, multiple SVs, 1 HV. 20240722040712_1 20240722040726_1 20240722043054_1 20240722043100_1

PS. One of the screenshots also show a line about Explore T3 playfield, thats another ticket I'm about to send :P

Error code from console or log (Optional)

Formatting is all messed up, can I upload the file? Its basically the entire log, line 240 onwards. Client_240722-042219-56.log

POI Name

No response

Playfield Name

Epsilon 10451 V

Playfield Class

Polaris Trade Hub

Star Name


Star Class


Mission Name

No response

Mission Objective

No response

Game Seed

No response

RavienGaming commented 1 month ago

This is most likely a game bug, but I will leave it open in case anyone else experiences it so they can report it here since that POI is new. Not much I can do yet though as I've visited that station several times on a server and nothing like that has happened.

danielsolaro commented 1 month ago

Ì did visit it before too, and yesterday I used its teleporter to go around and come back. Had no issues. On the same line have been using my cv for a while , no new devices or new vessels attached. Maybe some item is interfering? Or its the mission pda actually the cause of both issues?

I relogged to leave the system now that I got ur answer, but got stuck in an error loop I can't even move. Even the errors act a little different every time I log 🥴 I will try one more time and maybe ask an admin to move me somewhere else. Will return if error persists in another playfield. 20240722054058_1

RavienGaming commented 1 month ago

Shouldn't be anything with the PDA. That stage doesn't have any special PDA functions that aren't used in other missions. Hope an admin can help you out.

danielsolaro commented 1 month ago

back, admin helped, apparently all I needed was to uncheck the "open on exceptions" and I could move again 🤡 It just threw the key error on console but no NRE, No error dialogs.

Does that key number at the message help for anything? 20240722094418_1

RavienGaming commented 1 month ago

That key is usually about a trader that has a duplicate item. It might be something unrelated to the other errors you experienced.

RavienGaming commented 1 month ago

I will go ahead and close this issue as I have not seen anyone else with the same issue so far. If it happens again please feel free to open a new issue.