RavienGaming / Reforged-Eden-2

Reforged Eden 2 bug reporting
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Bombers Spawn outside of Diomese Range #99

Open Kainne00 opened 3 weeks ago

Kainne00 commented 3 weeks ago

Reforged Eden 2 Build Number


Game mode

Dedicated Server

Tested in vanilla

Not tested in vanilla or not applicable

Description of issue

When attempting the Destroy the Attacking Bombers component of the "Manual Control" Section of the "Plausible Deniability" quest, I manned the Flak and Minigun turrets separately waiting for the 3 bombers to spawn, on the Omicron starter planet.

After 3-4 minutes, no bombers had spawned, however Take Control of the... had been checked off and all applicable screen text indicated the bombers should have spawned. I did a 1km visual scan in my SV of the area and discovered the bombs spawned approximately 650m S of the diomese and well outside of the planetary turrets limitations.

They update when using an sv, and a lot of ammo, to shoot them down. This occurred on Omicron on a Dedicated server.

Error code from console or log (Optional)

No response

POI Name

No response

Playfield Name


Playfield Class

No response

Star Name

No response

Star Class

No response

Mission Name

No response

Mission Objective

No response

Game Seed

No response

VermillionX commented 3 weeks ago

I think it's safe to call this "Kainne's Law". If something can go wrong, it will go wrong... for Kainne. The function that spawns the bombers is meant to do it at around 300 meters from your position in a direction you're not facing. The distance they spawn cannot be configured, so 650m would be a game bug.