Ravo92 / Patch-2.22-Launcher

BFME Launcher for BFME, BFME 2, ROTWK. Also known as 2.22 Launcher for Battle for Middle Earth 1
MIT License
32 stars 3 forks source link

Feature: Check game file integrity like steam does #4

Closed Ravo92 closed 11 months ago

Ravo92 commented 1 year ago

Make a method which get called by a button who does:

  1. MD5 Hash of every file

  2. Compare the MD5 Hashes from the default file state.

  3. See unknown files and remove them into a backup folder, if checkbox selected.

  4. New Window to see backup-files in a table with some informations like:

    • Filename
    • Filesize
    • Origin (Mod/Patch/Game)
    • MD5 Hash
  5. Save Log files about this analysis + Hardware-Info for Discord Support (Like the PS3-Emulator-Discord does with logfiles for a game).

  6. Regain missing files from 7z-Archive (only the ones that are faulty, not every one).

  7. Profit.