RawEvan / odoo-lite

Light version of Odoo
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What is the goal(s) of this project? #6

Open denris opened 1 month ago

denris commented 1 month ago


I understand you are wanting to probably "slim down" Odoo in some fashion, but I am curious what your particular goals are with this project?

RawEvan commented 1 month ago


Here are some potential goals, but currently there isn't a plan, because of my limited time.

Thanks for your comment, and you can do them yourself if you are interested!

denris commented 1 month ago

Hey, thanks for taking the time to answer my question! I am thinking of possibly something similar, but going a different route than what you have outlined. (Create my own compatible ORM for times when needs are less than Postgresql)

One main question I have from your goals is why you want to do this? (It's your project, so don't let the below stop you if that's what you wish :slightly_smiling_face: )

Try to replace some parts of Odoo. For example, using react for the front part

  1. In the version of Odoo (>= 15) OWL (Odoo's custom component based JS framework) is very React like and wouldn't take you long at all to pick up if you are familiar with React.
  2. If you really want React for some React specific feature etc, wouldn't it make more sense just to use the rpc external api with a separate React frontend?
RawEvan commented 1 month ago

It's your project, so don't let the below stop you if that's what you wish 🙂

No warries, suggestions are welcome!

In the version of Odoo (>= 15) OWL (Odoo's custom component based JS framework) is very React like and wouldn't take you long at all to pick up if you are familiar with React.

If you really want React for some React specific feature etc, wouldn't it make more sense just to use the rpc external api with a separate React frontend?

React is not mandatory. I'm just learning React and wondering if the React libs would help develop Odoo apps. External API is a good choice when there is a frontend team, while built-in frontend components may be easier for a single backend developer who is not familiar with frontend like me 🙂

For me the main reason for replacing Odoo base features is to learn, and the project would not be updated frequently. Please do what you want and I'm looking forward to your work!