Rawkush / Anime_Scraper

unofficial APIs for anime streaming
24 stars 7 forks source link

include animeflix #5

Open Rawkush opened 3 years ago

Rawkush commented 3 years ago

animeflix had prebuilt api.. we can use them

https://animeflix.io/api/episodes/latest?limit=20 you can get latest animes from this url.. limit of animes can be changed (20 is taken for example)

https://animeflix.io/api/anime/popular?limit=12 to get popular animes (again limit 20 can be changed)


to get detail about an anime(value of slug is the name of anime, slug is a parameter present above request responses).


to get detail about an anime(value of slug is the name of anime, slug is a parameter present above request responses, and episode num is present here).


to get video link to download or stream(episode id is present in above request as id)

Rawkush commented 3 years ago

https://animeflix.io/api/search?q=naruto for searching