RayTrace082 / untamedwilds

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Suggestion: Territorial Animals. #191

Open DigitalWendigo opened 1 year ago

DigitalWendigo commented 1 year ago

Hello, I hope you are doing well.

I've got a suggestion, as the title implies.

A lot of the animals in your mod are territorial and would attack a human or another animal of a different species, if they are lower down the food chain, simply to protect their territory and themselves. I've noticed that a lot of the big cats and bears, if they're not with a baby, won't even bother with you. While it allows you to more easily capture them, they aren't as dangerous because they're not hostile while they're not with a baby or you haven't woken them up from a nap. So I was thinking, what are your plans on implementing a territory system for the apex predators that spawn in the world upon world generation? Let's say a cave bear spawns somewhere. It would then get assigned a... 16 or 32 block radius as its territory, similar to how 'home positions' are set for some modded creatures. If a player, or another apex predator comes within that range, the bear would, if it can see it, try to scare it off. Roaring, standing up to make itself look bigger, and after a short while begin chasing the player away or attempt to kill it.

What are your thoughts on this?

RayTrace082 commented 1 year ago

Delayed response, but I would like to make some mobs more interesting in that regard, but there's a few issues I have noticed:

Scaring mobs off is also a pretty iffy concept, since in these cases, you are relying on a mob's AI to force commands onto a different mob, which is prone to unexpected behaviors, hell, I'm pretty sure you can force some unintended behaviors with the Chum item (since it does force movement commands onto swimming mobs outside of their AI)

That said, it's an interesting topic for sure, and am looking into simulating some visual "threat" behaviors in a safer manner