The main page looks good and contains all the relevant files and folder.
child_expendure_graphs.qmd seems to be out our place so I would recommend moving it to the appropriate folder.
Title of the readme should change
Overview can be expanded
LLM Usage statement needs to be updated. It mentions that "entire chat history is available in inputs/llms/usage.txt" but this path does not exist in your folder.
Scripts folder
The scripts folder has a lot of scripts in it, possibly imported by the started folder but never used or updated. I would recommend cleaning up the scripts folder to contain the scripts being used by you.
In the files coded by you in scripts folder, consider adding a preamble at the beginning of each file for an external person to understand the purpose of the files
Data folder
Your data folder looks good and seems like it contains all the files you are using.
Similar feedback as the scripts folder, remove the files and folders not being used by you
Other folder
Seems like the folder only contains started folder files. I would recommended cleaning that up to make sure it only contains the files and folders you need
No sketches included. Would recommend doing some as it helps you have an idea of how your dataset should look like
Output folder
Your output folder looks great and seems to contains all the figures you have generated!
Paper folder
Reccurring feedback but remove the files and folders you do not need
Folder seems to contain a csv? Consider moving it to the data folder
Feedback for the paper
Interesting topic
Add a line to the footnote about where to find the replication aspects
The paper overall looks very incomplete and is missing a lot of things so a fair feedback is hard to give.
Missing abstract
Clearly define your sections and subsections as right now it is very unclear with the difference in font sizes and styling at different places.
Consider adding a table of contents so that the reader knows whats to come and where to find what.
The points under introduction seem like a good brainstorming of the structure and contain a good direction.
File contains a lot of raw R code - a big no no! make sure to remove any raw R code from your pdf
A lot of cross references do not link to anything
The content and visualisation under "Analysis Results" looks nice and promising. The statistics' and trends' discussion really adds to your content.
Consider enhancing the graphs. For example, the figure "Average Number of Births" has a lot of overlapping y axis state names.
The discussion point graphs look nice. Do add some text talking about the graphs and addressing the mentioned discussion points.
Add captions to your tables and images, for example : "Figure 1: ..."
Reference section present and contain R citation. Nice!!
Overall, great topic and visualisations. Excited to see the complete paper.
seems to be out our place so I would recommend moving it to the appropriate folder.Readme
Scripts folder
Data folder
Other folder
Output folder
Paper folder
Feedback for the paper