RayanAlim / Birth_Rate_Analysis

The Decline of US Birth Rates: Analyzing Minimum Wages, Abortion Policies, Education, and Child Support Enforcement
MIT License
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Birth_Rate_Analysis_peer_review #3

Closed YimiaoYuan09 closed 8 months ago

YimiaoYuan09 commented 8 months ago
  1. Github Repo It is great to see that you created a proper github repo name for your project and had a statement of LLM usage in the README.md file, you also explain the content and structure of the project, but it is a good idea to update the README.md file to include more information, such as how to reproduce the results. It's also good to reorganize your repo so that all the files are in the correct folders. For example, move the child_expendure_graphs.qmd file into the paper folder or remove it.

  2. Scripts folder It is nice to see that you have different files to reproduce different figures, and that the names of both files are meaningful. It is good to include a preamble session that tells the reader the purpose of the file, the author, the date, the prerequisites for running the file, and other useful information. In addition, unused files can be deleted to keep the folder clean. It is great that you include the R scripts to improve reproducibility and to enable the reader to understand and follow your steps on how you acquired the raw dataset and the process of cleaning and testing the dataset.

    #### Preamble ####
    # Purpose: Tests... [...UPDATE THIS...]
    # Author: Rohan Alexander [...UPDATE THIS...]
    # Date: 11 February 2023 [...UPDATE THIS...]
    # Contact: rohan.alexander@utoronto.ca [...UPDATE THIS...]
    # License: MIT
    # Pre-requisites: [...UPDATE THIS...]
    # Any other information needed? [...UPDATE THIS...]

It is great to see that in each script, you install all the required packages. It is very important to install the packages, as this will provide other people with the same code environment as you and prevent them from making mistakes when reproducing your project. After install the packages, you load the packages so that you can use for this project. Then you read in the dataset that you will use to generate the graph. It is good to see that you include clear and understandable comments at each step. I think comments could be more detailed and descriptive, providing more step-by-step information so that people can easily understand the purpose and meaning of the code without having to carefully read and think about the code for a long time.

You create the table using ggplot. It is good to have meaningful axes names, but be careful to reorganize the x and y names so that they don't stacked on top of each other in the pdf version. You also save the graphs you make in the output folder so that people can easily access and use the charts. Also, remember to include some tests to make sure the data is formatted correctly and meets your requirements.

  1. Data folder It is great that you have a folder containing all the datasets you need for the project, and you have them separated into raw and analyzed data. I think one way to improve it would be to change the name to something more meaningful, such as "fig_1_brate_all.csv".

  2. Other folder Remember to change the sketches to your project.

  3. Output folder Output folder includes all the figure that generated from the report, it is good to use "_" instead of space in the name.

  4. Paper folder

    title: "Red States = Red Flags?"
    subtitle: "An analysis of birth rate trends from 2001 to 2019 and an exploration of political affiliation of different states and Birth rates in the United States,"
    - Rayan Awad Alim
    - Maria Mangru
    - Isha Junega
    thanks: "Code and data are available at: https://github.com/RayanAlim/Birth_Rate_Analysis"
    date: today
    date-format: long
    abstract: "First sentence. Second sentence. Third sentence. Fourth sentence."
    format: pdf
    number-sections: true
    bibliography: references.bib
    wrap: 72

    It is great that you have an informative title and subtitle that tells the reader what happens in the paper, and also include all the essential information like author, date, and the github repo, but remember to include a good abstract which clearly tells the reader what you did in this essay and what conclusions you came to, and also make some connections between the conclusion and life by mentioning what ideas this conclusion brought to you.


broader context to motivate The birth rate is one of the most important determinants of a country’s population growth, potentially impacting policy decisions about the health system, education, and economy (1). https://www.waldenu.edu/programs/health/resource/why-birth-rates-are-significant-in-health-studies-and-health-science

some detail about what the paper is about This paper dives into the potential factors that may cause a birth rate to decrease. a clear gap that needs to be filled Not sure what was done We replicated the paper by Kearney, Levine, andPardue (2022) and focused on wages, access to healthcare (with religious importance) and childcare expenditure data to draw conclusions about whether these factors affect the decline or birth rates what was found

You have include some broader context to motivate the reader, I think you can also add some interesting facts realted to your topic. Also, you need to remember to delete the prompted sentences and then revise what needs to be added in the middle. It is also important to take care of the citations so that they are in the correct format.

It is nice to see that you are referencing R and using cross-references in the text, but the cross-references need to be fixed so that they can be recognized in the pdf. You need to take care of the code section of the paper.qmd file so that it only prints out the figure, not the code and the output. In addition, you need to add cross-references to the graphics and acaption describing the graphics. All graphs need to be reorganized and restructured so that titles are not truncated in the pdf and x- and y-values are clear.

The overall structure is good, but it needs attention to small details and continue to add paragraphs to complete the paper. Also, remember to include the SSRP submission.

RayanAlim commented 8 months ago

Addressed: Cleaned up the repo, removed redundant files, and moved files in a logical way for easier navigation.