A service that boosts your amount of follower on Instagram. The project uses the library "https://github.com/instagrambot/instabot" for the instagram client part
The follow should occur every time the "ownReachedLimite" is not reached, and the unfollow must occur in the other case. Plus, I have to code a system of queuing, to add every set of followed IDs in a file and when the unfollow will occur, it will unfollow first the oldest people that has been unfollowed
The follow should occur every time the "ownReachedLimite" is not reached, and the unfollow must occur in the other case. Plus, I have to code a system of queuing, to add every set of followed IDs in a file and when the unfollow will occur, it will unfollow first the oldest people that has been unfollowed