RayeRen / acad-homepage.github.io

AcadHomepage: A Modern and Responsive Academic Personal Homepage
MIT License
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try codium #62

Open huskydoge opened 4 months ago

huskydoge commented 4 months ago

@CodiumAI-Agent /review

huskydoge commented 4 months ago


huskydoge commented 4 months ago

@CodiumAI-Agent /review

CodiumAI-Agent commented 4 months ago

PR Analysis

πŸ’‘ General suggestions: The PR seems to be well-structured and the changes are logically grouped. However, it would be beneficial to include a more detailed description of the changes in the PR description, explaining the purpose of each change and its impact on the website's appearance or functionality.

πŸ€– Code feedback:
relevant fileassets/css/main.scss
**It would be beneficial to separate the CSS classes into different files based on their functionality for better organization and easier maintenance. [medium]**
relevant line.tooltip {

relevant file_includes/head.html
**It would be better to load the CSS files from a local source instead of a CDN to reduce the website's dependency on external sources. [medium]**
relevant line

relevant file_config.yml
**It is recommended to avoid hardcoding personal information in the _config.yml file. Instead, consider using environment variables or a separate configuration file that is not tracked in the version control system. [important]**
relevant lineemail : "hbh001098hbh@sjtu.edu.cn"

relevant file_sass/_animations.scss
**The naming of the animation 'blink' is too generic. Consider using a more descriptive name that indicates its purpose or effect. [medium]**
relevant line@keyframes blink {

✨ Usage guide:
**Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review. The tool can be triggered [automatically](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/Usage.md#github-app-automatic-tools) every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml#L19) related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/Usage.md#working-with-github-app), use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
Utilizing extra instructions
The `review` tool can be configured with extra instructions, which can be used to guide the model to a feedback tailored to the needs of your project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify the relevant sub-tool, and the relevant aspects of the PR that you want to emphasize. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_reviewer] # /review # extra_instructions=""" In the code feedback section, emphasize the following: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
How to enable\disable automation
- When you first install PR-Agent app, the [default mode](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/Usage.md#github-app-automatic-tools) for the `review` tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/review", ...] ``` meaning the `review` tool will run automatically on every PR, with the default configuration. Edit this field to enable/disable the tool, or to change the used configurations
About the 'Code feedback' section
The `review` tool provides several type of feedbacks, one of them is code suggestions. If you are interested **only** in the code suggestions, it is recommended to use the [`improve`](./IMPROVE.md) feature instead, since it dedicated only to code suggestions, and usually gives better results. Use the `review` tool if you want to get a more comprehensive feedback, which includes code suggestions as well.
The `review` tool can auto-generate two specific types of labels for a PR: - a `possible security issue` label, that detects possible [security issues](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/tr/user_description/pr_agent/settings/pr_reviewer_prompts.toml#L136) (`enable_review_labels_security` flag) - a `Review effort [1-5]: x` label, where x is the estimated effort to review the PR (`enable_review_labels_effort` flag)
Extra sub-tools
The `review` tool provides a collection of possible feedbacks about a PR. It is recommended to review the [possible options](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/docs/REVIEW.md#enabledisable-features), and choose the ones relevant for your use case. Some of the feature that are disabled by default are quite useful, and should be considered for enabling. For example: `require_score_review`, `require_soc2_review`, `enable_review_labels_effort`, and more.
More PR-Agent commands
> To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** πŸ’Ž: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** πŸ’Ž: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** πŸ’Ž: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/docs/TOOLS_GUIDE.md) for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
See the [review usage](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/docs/REVIEW.md) page for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
CodiumAI-Agent commented 4 months ago

PR Review

     PR feedback                    
⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, because the PR includes a wide range of changes across multiple files, including CSS, HTML, and configuration files. The changes involve both content updates and stylistic adjustments, which require careful review to ensure consistency and compatibility across different parts of the project.
πŸ§ͺ Relevant tests No
πŸ” Possible issues - The tooltip CSS in both '_sass/_page.scss' and 'assets/css/main.scss' might cause redundancy and inconsistency. Consider consolidating these styles. - The use of `transform: scaleX(0);` and `transform: scaleX(1);` for the tooltip underline animation could be improved for browser compatibility. - The addition of multiple font-awesome related files and links might lead to loading performance issues. Consider using a single, minified version. - The removal of some navigation items in '_data/navigation.yml' without explanation could impact site navigation and user experience.
πŸ”’ Security concerns No
Code feedback:
relevant file_sass/_page.scss
suggestion       Consider merging the tooltip styles defined in '_sass/_page.scss' and 'assets/css/main.scss' to avoid redundancy and ensure consistency. [important]
relevant line.tooltip {

relevant file_sass/_page.scss
suggestion       Use a more compatible approach for the tooltip underline animation instead of `transform: scaleX(0);` and `transform: scaleX(1);`. Consider using visibility or opacity for better cross-browser support. [medium]
relevant linetransform: scaleX(0); /* εˆε§‹ζ—Άιšθ—δΈ‹εˆ’ηΊΏ */

relevant file_includes/head.html
suggestion       Consolidate the font-awesome CSS links to use a single, minified version to improve loading performance. [important]
relevant line

relevant file_data/navigation.yml
suggestion       Ensure the removal of navigation items like "News", "Projects", and "Experience" is intentional and consider the impact on site navigation and user experience. [medium]
relevant line# - title: "News"

✨ Usage guide:
**Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review. The tool can be triggered [automatically](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/Usage.md#github-app-automatic-tools) every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/pr_agent/settings/configuration.toml#L19) related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/Usage.md#working-with-github-app), use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
Utilizing extra instructions
The `review` tool can be configured with extra instructions, which can be used to guide the model to a feedback tailored to the needs of your project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify the relevant sub-tool, and the relevant aspects of the PR that you want to emphasize. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_reviewer] # /review # extra_instructions=""" In the 'possible issues' section, emphasize the following: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
How to enable\disable automation
- When you first install PR-Agent app, the [default mode](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/Usage.md#github-app-automatic-tools) for the `review` tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/review", ...] ``` meaning the `review` tool will run automatically on every PR, with the default configuration. Edit this field to enable/disable the tool, or to change the used configurations
The `review` tool can auto-generate two specific types of labels for a PR: - a `possible security issue` label, that detects possible [security issues](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/tr/user_description/pr_agent/settings/pr_reviewer_prompts.toml#L136) (`enable_review_labels_security` flag) - a `Review effort [1-5]: x` label, where x is the estimated effort to review the PR (`enable_review_labels_effort` flag)
Extra sub-tools
The `review` tool provides a collection of possible feedbacks about a PR. It is recommended to review the [possible options](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/docs/REVIEW.md#enabledisable-features), and choose the ones relevant for your use case. Some of the feature that are disabled by default are quite useful, and should be considered for enabling. For example: `require_score_review`, `require_soc2_ticket`, and more.
Auto-approve PRs
By invoking: ``` /review auto_approve ``` The tool will automatically approve the PR, and add a comment with the approval. To ensure safety, the auto-approval feature is disabled by default. To enable auto-approval, you need to actively set in a pre-defined configuration file the following: ``` [pr_reviewer] enable_auto_approval = true ``` (this specific flag cannot be set with a command line argument, only in the configuration file, committed to the repository) You can also enable auto-approval only if the PR meets certain requirements, such as that the `estimated_review_effort` is equal or below a certain threshold, by adjusting the flag: ``` [pr_reviewer] maximal_review_effort = 5 ```
More PR-Agent commands
> To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** πŸ’Ž: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** πŸ’Ž: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** πŸ’Ž: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/docs/TOOLS_GUIDE.md) for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
See the [review usage](https://github.com/Codium-ai/pr-agent/blob/main/docs/REVIEW.md) page for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.