RaymondWang987 / FMNet

The official project of ACM MM 2022 paper "Less is More: Consistent Video Depth Estimation with Masked Frames Modeling".
Apache License 2.0
30 stars 2 forks source link

This looks great cant wait to try it out. #2

Closed luuude closed 1 year ago

luuude commented 1 year ago

Any timeframe for code release? I am looking forward to trying it out!

chriscolour commented 1 year ago

The temporal stability compared to other algorithms look very promising. Would love to try the code as well!

Saw from a closed issue that code will be released after ACMMM. So maybe any day soon?

RaymondWang987 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your interest on our work. I am a little bit busy in these weeks and have not finished organizing the data and code. I will release the code in several weeks as soon as I have time to organize them. Sorry for the delay.

chriscolour commented 1 year ago

Thank you for updating us :)

chriscolour commented 1 year ago

Hi. Any updates on releasing the code of this one?

zhanghongyong123456 commented 1 year ago

Hi. Any updates on releasing the code of this one?

Hi. Any updates on releasing the code of this one?

RaymondWang987 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay. I'm currently buried in new projects for CVPR and ICCV. I will organize and release the code no later than March 20th, just several days after the deadline of ICCV2023. Sorry again for the delay.

chriscolour commented 1 year ago

No problem. Just eager to test it out

zhanghongyong123456 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay. I'm currently buried in new projects for CVPR and ICCV. I will organize and release the code no later than March 20th, just several days after the deadline of ICCV2023. Sorry again for the delay.

Thank you very much and look forward to your code release

RaymondWang987 commented 1 year ago

I have released the code and checkpoint. We will upload and update the testing sequences of NYUDV2 in this week.