RaymondZhang20 / Group9-Project

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Scrum Report Three 2023-06-24 #25

Open jhuang40 opened 1 year ago

jhuang40 commented 1 year ago

Third Scrum Report Marking Rubric: https://blogs.ubc.ca/cpsc4552023s/assessment-rubrics/#sec-2

jhuang40 commented 1 year ago

Name: Jasper Huang, csID: r7v2b Went through the map api and ended up working with react-leaflet to get a map component working, also did some styling with the map

Next week will probably work on getting some of our redux data into express and will need to work on more styling and work on algorithm for matching. Will also work on getting pins onto the map from a list of friends or other users

One difficult challenge was figuring out what kind of data users should put into there profiles along with how to display them to other users.

RaymondZhang20 commented 1 year ago

Name: Xueyong Zhang csID: n3q0w

In the last two weeks, I added the backend part to our project and implemented the account system integrated with Firebase on the backend, moved all account and auth-related hooks into the reducer and implemented reducers and thunks for account info and status.

Next week we will add a friend and invitation feature to account system, add preferences and game lists to account and complete the matching algorithm.

Blockers that occurred in the last two weeks are: First, it is hard to decide which format of location info should user provide. Second, it is hard to make sure everyone is on the same page and understands the code written by others, which will cause different people to write codes to achieve one goal. More meeting and KT sessions are needed later.

latsandec commented 1 year ago

Name: Cheryl Yu, csID: e8j3b In the last two weeks, I updated the profile page so that it gets user data from backend and display all the information. I also edited the code for the update page for later use. For the next two week, I plan to work on making the profile page better and add a game selection page. The biggest challenge I met was making sure not calling the map and include function on an array that possibly be undefined. I got lots of error because of this. The page is working fine now but I still need to avoid this problem when I add more features.

dorager91 commented 1 year ago

Name: Dorothy Ger, CSID:v0b6d These two weeks, I was a horrible teammate, contributing some spiritual support. I plan to take on more workload for the next progress point to make it up for the team.

Shawn-hash commented 1 year ago

Name: Shawn Zhu csID: u9l3b

In the last two weeks, I changed update page to adapt the update of data type of users with the assist of Cheryl. Update page is now fully connect to backend and could list out all existing fields when the page opens.

Next week I will integrate the local time into the timezone selection, and using the preferred playing time of users + timezone to determine decide a matching algorithm.

Biggest challenge I met is to show all the existing information of the updating page at the moment the page opens. It should first retrieve user info and display it on each field of the input, including checkboxes. I went into some weird compiling errors as well.