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pmap better than map for "walk" for processing images #70

Open lkrubner opened 10 years ago

lkrubner commented 10 years ago

About this function:

(defn walk "Lazily walk depth-first over the directory structure starting at 'path' calling 'func' with three arguments [root dirs files]. Returns a sequence of the results." [func path](map #%28apply func %%29 %28iterate-dir path%29))

If I want to iterate over a directory of images, and generate a thumbnail for those images, then I should use "pmap" rather than "map". I am writing a custom version of this function for myself, but perhaps you could make "map" a variable?

amalloy commented 10 years ago

Just pass list as func, and then pmap over the resulting structure to do whatever?

lkrubner commented 10 years ago

Great idea.