RazerMS / Mobile-XDK-RazerMS_Flutter_Beta

Razer Merchant Services mobile payment for Flutter (Dart)
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Payment page crashed on Android showing mp_currency value not found #11

Open alifhaikal88 opened 3 years ago

alifhaikal88 commented 3 years ago

Versions Flutter version : 2.0.1 rms-mobile-xdk-flutter-beta : 0.29.1

Description This issue only occurs when using android phone. Iphone working fine. The payment page throws error "mp_currency value not found" when to pay Below is the screenshot of the error. Please clarify on this matter.


wasddsaw commented 3 years ago

Hi @alifhaikal88, please revert your issue to our support support-sa@razer.com

hisyamadzha commented 3 years ago

Hi @alifhaikal88, This is caused by android shrinking mechanism (R8), you may include below script in your project proguard-rules.pro file to resolve this issue.

-keep public class com.molpay.molpayxdk.MOLPayActivity {
    public <methods>;
faiz-faizal commented 3 years ago

Hi @alifhaikal88, This is caused by android shrinking mechanism (R8), you may include below script in your project proguard-rules.pro file to resolve this issue.

-keep public class com.molpay.molpayxdk.MOLPayActivity {
    public <methods>;

Thanks. its work For extra info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65020651/cant-find-proguard-rules-pro-in-my-flutter-app