[x] Avatar of users that have completed the chore 'today'
[x] Days since chore was last completed, if not completed today
[x] If overdue, visually represent this on the number of days since last completion
Interactive elements:
[x] #70
[x] #120
Brings up an expanded view of the chore, with description, a checkbox or button for marking the chore as completed. If the user is an admin, there will be buttons for "Edit" and "Delete"-actions. At a later point in time, a picture and voice recording would be accessible in this expanded view.
Daily view
Found in
(Issue format is WIP)
Interactive elements:
Brings up an expanded view of the chore, with description, a checkbox or button for marking the chore as completed. If the user is an admin, there will be buttons for "Edit" and "Delete"-actions. At a later point in time, a picture and voice recording would be accessible in this expanded view.