Razfury / FrostwingCore

A World of Warcraft emulator written in C++ that supports patch 3.3.5. Based on ArcEmu using Visual Studio 2013 C++
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2 stars 5 forks source link

[Spells/Talents - Warrior] Improved Hamstring #22

Closed Razfury closed 5 years ago

Razfury commented 6 years ago

Talent needs proc-trigger added

Razfury commented 6 years ago

Update: It seems that the core doesn't activate this aura for some reason so it will never proc ❌ need to find out why its not!

Razfury commented 6 years ago

fixed: https://gitlab.com/cronicx321/AscEmu/commit/f1bbff06b1cf4b8414626628211caf5a1c4907d3