RazorDevs / Deep-Aether

The Deep Aether: an unofficial addon for the Aether 1.19.2 and beyond. It aims to add lots of new features to give players a chance to venture deeper into the Aether dimension, while also maintaining its original style.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
28 stars 8 forks source link

LivingEntity.handler$zoc000$deep_aether$checkValkValorEffect #133

Closed Yovez closed 5 months ago

Yovez commented 5 months ago

Having a common crash with this mod while using Create, specifically using Trains. If a train runs into an entity the server crashes. Logs here: https://mclo.gs/Mp2qKDb

I made an issue post on Create github, but it seems to be a direct issue from Deep Aether.

With Deep Aether, using a train and hitting a mob with the train it crashes. Without Deep Aether, using a train and hitting a mob works as intended, pushes and damages the mob, no issues.

Edit: MC 1.20.1 Forge 47.2.0 Create 0.5.1.f Deep Aether 1.0.13

darksonic300 commented 5 months ago

The issue should be already fixed, and a hotfix is coming later today to account for this.