RazortoothRTC / rayfork

C99 Game Library. XNA-like. Platform Independent. Allocator Aware.
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Library branch structure #1

Open truedat101 opened 4 months ago

truedat101 commented 4 months ago

Oddly the master/main is missing. There is no active dev branch. Just the release branch, and something that looks like a future branch.

Reset this to set a default:

truedat101 commented 4 months ago

for now, the better org seems to be the right one to go with since gfx was reorganized and seems to be the right approach. Create a main off of this with bug fixes.

truedat101 commented 4 months ago

Going to create a main off better-org.

truedat101 commented 3 months ago

Well shucks, better-org was not what I was expecting. It definitely better organized, however, there are some incomplete areas, and it looks like work stopped on the project at some point while this work was in flight. I will pause on that better-org -> main , and instead start from the last tag that was released, and make a dev off of that so I can kick around on audio.