Razviar / marvelsnaptracker

Marvel Snap Tracker repo
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Exactly not an issue - what about deleting old matches #27

Open LegitimateSymb opened 1 year ago

LegitimateSymb commented 1 year ago

Hi Devs, firstly want to thank you all for the amazing jobs you've done with this app, i really appreciate.

Would like to ask you if it is possibile to delete/clean matches from "marvelsnap.pro/matches/" (even with deleting fisically some kind of file or something about that). To be clear, i tried to analyze code but i did not find a way to do so. I've tried to read files content contained in "...\AppData\LocalLow\Second Dinner\SNAP\Standalone\States\nvprod" unsuccesfully.

Thank you in advance Guys, keep it go!!

Razviar commented 1 year ago

Hi! We are actively working on macthes cleanup