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README: Add how to change antivirus exclusion on each platforms #376

Open ThalusA opened 10 months ago

ThalusA commented 10 months ago

Hi, would it be possible to add antivirus exclusion directive inside the README ? I can't seem to find how to do that in the latest version of WIndows 11. Even Windows web page is outdated.

Arkewas commented 10 months ago

Hi, This should help for Windows 10 and 11 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-security-811816c0-4dfd-af4a-47e4-c301afe13b26#ID0EBF=Windows_11

ThalusA commented 10 months ago

I was talking about this web page when I was saying "Even Windows web page is outdated."