Razzmatazzz / RemnantSaveGuardian

Tool to backup your saves and view your world rolls
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Microsoft Store/Game Pass version support #211

Open Bugrakca opened 12 months ago

Bugrakca commented 12 months ago

Remnant 2 C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Packages\PerfectWorldEntertainment.GFREMP2_jrajkyc4tsa6w\SystemAppData\wgs There are two folders there. One is the save_0.sav file, and the other is profile.sav file.

resim resim resim

I copied the 2 files inside to the previous file and changed their name. 2 files have different sizes. My profile.sav file is around 17KB and the save_0.sav is around 600KB. Every time you roll the world, you need to press E to checkpoint stone again. This is to update the files. Then you need to copy those files again, change their name, and in the SaveGuardian settings click the save folder and select the save files location. I found a way to make it work.

Maybe a script can be written for this. Instead of doing it manually one by one.

Update: There is a more descriptive guide in Reddit written by @quickproquo and a script by @Taylorpe thanks. This is the guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/18wi9fv/remnant_save_guardian_with_pc_xbox_game_pass/

I hope it will help you too.

Dathca commented 12 months ago

It’s not working for me when playing remnant 2 from the Microsoft store using .net 8.0

Bugrakca commented 12 months ago

It’s not working for me when playing remnant 2 from the Microsoft store using .net 8.0

Maybe the Microsoft Store has a different save location?

Razzmatazzz commented 12 months ago

If it's anything like Remnant 1, the Microsoft Store version uses a whole different save structure.

EleventhEric commented 12 months ago

Would it be possible to add support for the world analyzer for game pass saves? I used your save manager for Remnant 1 and it was great to be able to see what I got on a reroll before going in to adventure mode in order to hunt for specific items.

Razzmatazzz commented 12 months ago

Might be possible. If someone has the time to figure out the Microsoft Store version save location and format, add support to RSG, and create a pull request, I'll review and merge. I don't have the bandwidth to take this on personally, though.

EleventhEric commented 12 months ago

The save game file location is: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\PerfectWorldEntertainment.GFREMP2_jrajkyc4tsa6w\SystemAppData\wgs\<user-id>\

Not sure what the file format is though. Viewing the file with a hex editor doesn't give me much to go on. It might be the same format as the previous game. It's possible that the RemnantSaveManager codebase already has it.

Bugrakca commented 11 months ago

I added pictures. I don't copy and paste the files every time. That is why the file sizes are different—and file names (random letters and numbers) change whenever the game is saved.

silentiea commented 11 months ago

I can confirm that the analyzer as-is is capable of reading the files for gamepass games using Bugrakca's method, which means it's just a matter of streamlining the process to read the files automatically where they are rather than manually copying them into a single folder.

UndeadNidhogg commented 11 months ago

If it's anything like Remnant 1, the Microsoft Store version uses a whole different save structure.

Not only that but there's 4 folders instead of the 2 bugrakca mentions. Been looking into it as much as I can but hopefully I'm not the only one, would be great to get this figured out.

silentiea commented 11 months ago

I only have one character and I see the same setup as bugrakca with just 2 subfolders with random characters for names. Is it possible, Nidhogg, that you have multiple characters that might each get their own save files?

UndeadNidhogg commented 11 months ago

I only have one character and I see the same setup as bugrakca with just 2 subfolders with random characters for names. Is it possible, Nidhogg, that you have multiple characters that might each get their own save files?

It stays 4 folders no matter how many characters I create so that doesn't seem likely.

silentiea commented 11 months ago

Multiple accounts that log in to play? Each of my two folders contains a random string file and a "container.###" file. What happens if you copy and rename the random files in your folders into a single location and rename them like bugrakca suggested?

Bugrakca commented 11 months ago

I only have one character and I see the same setup as bugrakca with just 2 subfolders with random characters for names. Is it possible, Nidhogg, that you have multiple characters that might each get their own save files?

It stays 4 folders no matter how many characters I create so that doesn't seem likely.

Do you own any DLC? Those files may be DLC files. resim I have two different folders, one of them is a normal game folder. I downloaded the standard game first then I bought the DLC and downloaded it. The DLC folder is empty except for the settings.dat file. I'm just assuming maybe you bought the DLC with the standard game and downloaded it together. Is there anything inside the other folders? Can you share more information about those folders?


silentiea commented 11 months ago

I made a second character for hardcore mode, and got a new folder to show for it (presumably for save_1.sav)


silentiea commented 11 months ago

And it looks like that's the case, having pulled it out and renamed it.

UndeadNidhogg commented 11 months ago

I believe that some of the extra files are in fact character saves but regardless, I still can't get it to work and my save files are much smaller as well. Here's some screenshots of the files and folders. And no, I'm not lost and looking in the DLC folder... the DLC folder is clearly marked DLC. I'm in the exact path as described I'm just having trouble getting SaveGuardian to recognize the files even following the directions exactly as written.

Screenshot 2023-12-20 231348 And this is the folder begining with D9 that doesn't update with the other folders but has a larger file size. Screenshot 2023-12-20 231435

UndeadNidhogg commented 11 months ago

Also, this is what my settings are in the RemnantSaveGuardian app. It's the same folder the save files are copied in which is the previous folder to each of the main save folders, if that makes sense. Screenshot 2023-12-20 233724

UndeadNidhogg commented 11 months ago

Sorry for the continuous messages, but I've finally gotten the program to recognize my character profiles. I'm unable to get it to analyze the worlds tho. As you can see it shows my Archon/Ritualist and if i scroll other characters as well, but nothing comes up in the list. Definitely making progress tho, just wanna say thanks for all the help so far. Screenshot 2023-12-21 002456

silentiea commented 11 months ago

The save_#.sav files only update when you save your world on each character. Try playing character I to see which file should be save_0, character II to find save_1, etc?

3p0k commented 11 months ago

Hi, I have been trying to get it working using all the tips in this thread but my version couldn't recognize the remnant2.exe. Its named as image in my game pass version. The exe is in both "C:\XboxGames" and the screenshot path. I had to unlock WindowsApps to get this to work though. I made a copy of it and renamed to remnant2.exe and let the manager find the path. Then set it back to the original name so gamepass would run it. Now if I do as previously mentioned and make the save_0 and profile (manually)for each back up it works and the analyser works. So I point the manager to the folder under wgs and then copy and numerically named save files from their folders into that folder and rename them each time. image

This is my first time using the manager so I've no idea if i reduced its function doing this or not. It seems ok though.

Bugrakca commented 11 months ago

resim This is how I use it. Which folder you copy the files are not relevant. I didn't try to define the game folder because other things worked.

silentiea commented 11 months ago

Hey 3p0k, I don't think anyone is using RSG to launch their game with gamepass/windows store. I think we're just using it to have the world analyzer. I haven't tried to restore from backup, and I have too many hours invested to try at this point. I don't think they ever got backup working on the remnant 1 version either.

iaintnowhere commented 11 months ago

스크린샷 2023-12-24 031454 i think i figure out savefile naming. i don't have programing skills. so i make some python script that copy savefiles. it will be good someone make RSG better.

silentiea commented 11 months ago

Is it the same offset every time?

iaintnowhere commented 11 months ago

I didn't test somone's savefile. but it works created 3rd character. in containers.index profile at offset 329(in decimal) save_0 at offset 329+119 save_1 at offset 329+119+119 save_2 at offset 329+119+119+119

sameway to get filename in container.?? offset 152(in decimal)

silentiea commented 11 months ago

I can confirm that containers.index+0x149+[(n+1)*0x77] is the name of the profile folder [and the save_n folders], and that container.###+0x98 has the file name.

Actually, in my container.### the file name was repeated twice: at 0x88 and again at 0x98.

sunnyzensleep commented 11 months ago

Remnant 2 C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Local\Packages\PerfectWorldEntertainment.GFREMP2_jrajkyc4tsa6w\SystemAppData\wgs There are two folders there. One is the save_0.sav file, and the other is profile.sav file.

resim resim resim

I copied the 2 files inside to the previous file and changed their name. 2 files have different sizes. My profile.sav file is around 17KB and the save_0.file is around 600KB. Every time you roll the world, you need to press E to checkpoint stone again. This is to update the files. Then you need to copy those files again, change their name, and in the SaveGuardian settings click the save folder and select the save files location. I found a way to make it work.

Maybe a script can be written for this. Instead of doing it manually one by one.

I hope it will help you too.

Thanks for this! Tried using your method but was having some issues. Are you copying the two highlighted files to the \wgs folder or the folder after the wgs?

Taylorpe commented 11 months ago

follow this https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/18wi9fv/remnant_save_guardian_with_pc_xbox_game_pass/

Taylorpe commented 11 months ago

I copied the 2 files inside to the previous file and changed their name. 2 files have different sizes. My profile.sav file is around 17KB and the save_0.file is around 600KB.

it should be profile.sav and save_0.sav

silentiea commented 11 months ago

Taylorpe, it shouldn't matter what folder you put them in as long as they both wind up in the same place and you set that folder as the same location in rsg

quickproquo commented 11 months ago

follow this https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/18wi9fv/remnant_save_guardian_with_pc_xbox_game_pass/

Just updated the guide with a py script someone wrote, while not ideal, it works well once you get it going.

Bugrakca commented 11 months ago

Taylorpe, it shouldn't matter what folder you put them in as long as they both wind up in the same place and you set that folder as the same location in rsg


Taylorpe commented 11 months ago

follow this https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/18wi9fv/remnant_save_guardian_with_pc_xbox_game_pass/

Just updated the guide with a py script someone wrote, while not ideal, it works well once you get it going.

That was me :)

Taylorpe commented 11 months ago

Taylorpe, it shouldn't matter what folder you put them in as long as they both wind up in the same place and you set that folder as the same location in rsg


My point was that this says to use a file called save_0.file not a file called save_0.sav your right if its in the same location that location won't matter.

Bugrakca commented 11 months ago

Taylorpe, it shouldn't matter what folder you put them in as long as they both wind up in the same place and you set that folder as the same location in rsg


My point was that this says to use a file called save_0.file not a file called save_0.sav your right if its in the same location that location won't matter.

Sorry. That was my mistake. I wrote it wrong. The file name is save_0.sav not save_0.file. Thanks for pointing that out. I updated my comment.

Bugrakca commented 11 months ago

follow this https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/18wi9fv/remnant_save_guardian_with_pc_xbox_game_pass/

This guide looks more descriptive than mine, which I will add in my post.

coolwaterblue commented 1 month ago

Fix for blank World Analyzer when using RSG for Xbox GamePass and multiple characters:

If you are using the python script to copy and rename files and have multiple characters, the script can get the profile and save_x names incorrect, leading to a blank World Analyzer. This is resolved by manual renaming.

To automate this step, using ChatGPT I have added an additional step which is added to the end of the existing "RGS_SAVE_PULL.py" script with no other changes required.

Using the existing destination directory it sorts files by size in descending order, renames the smallest file to temp_profile.sav, and renames the remaining files (starting with the largest) to temp_save_0.sav, temp_save1.sav, etc. This step is required to ensure to renaming clashes occur. Finally, it removes the temp prefix and logs each renaming operation.

If there is a very new character, depending on the profile size, there is a small chance the smallest file is not the profile, however this will elimate issues and has fixed mine!

Script Breakdown:

  1. Listing files: o It lists all files in the destination_folder and retrieves their sizes using os.path.getsize(). o It stores each file name along with its size in the files_with_size list.

  2. Sorting files: o The files are sorted in descending order by size (largest first) using files_with_size.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True).

  3. First rename: o The smallest file (the last item in the sorted list) is renamed to temp_profile.sav. o The remaining files (from largest to smallest) are renamed to temp_save_0.sav, temp_save_1.sav, etc.

  4. Second rename: o The script then loops through all files that start with temp and renames them by removing the temp prefix, resulting in the final names (profile.sav, save_0.sav, etc.).

  5. Print statements: o Each renaming operation is logged using print() so that you can track which file was renamed and to what.

Extra lines to add to existing script:

# Step 1: List all files in the destination_folder and get their sizes
files_with_size = [(file, os.path.getsize(os.path.join(destination_folder, file))) 
                   for file in os.listdir(destination_folder) 
                   if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(destination_folder, file))]

# Step 2: Sort the list of files by size in descending order
files_with_size.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

# Step 3: Rename files
# The smallest file (last in the sorted list) is renamed to temp_profile.sav
smallest_file = files_with_size[-1][0]
smallest_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, smallest_file)
temp_smallest_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, "temp_profile.sav")

# Rename the smallest file to "temp_profile.sav"
os.rename(smallest_file_path, temp_smallest_file_path)
print(f'Renamed "{smallest_file}" to "temp_profile.sav"')

# Rename the remaining files in descending order: largest -> temp_save_0.sav, temp_save_1.sav, etc.
for index, (file, size) in enumerate(files_with_size[:-1], start=0):
    old_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, file)
    new_file_name = f"temp_save_{index}.sav"
    new_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, new_file_name)
    os.rename(old_file_path, new_file_path)
    print(f'Renamed "{file}" to "{new_file_name}"')

# Step 4: Remove the "temp_" prefix from all files
for file in os.listdir(destination_folder):
    if file.startswith("temp_"):
        old_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, file)
        new_file_name = file.replace("temp_", "")
        new_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, new_file_name)
        os.rename(old_file_path, new_file_path)
        print(f'Renamed "{file}" to "{new_file_name}"')

print("Files have been renamed successfully!")

Here is an example of the script output when ran, where the original script had the wrong file as profile.sav:

Script Output

I hope this helps. The original script and the RSG project are awesome - thanks to everyone involved.