Razzmatazzz / RemnantSaveManager

Automatic backing up of your Remnant: From the Ashes save files, and the ability to anlayze your world to see what events rolled.
GNU General Public License v3.0
117 stars 21 forks source link

World analyzer for windows store #48

Open hruiz7 opened 3 years ago

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

It just doesn´t work, it doesn´t show anything

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Have you tried setting your save file path manually?

You can get an idea of where your save path should be in issue #46 .

Also, did you click the magnifying glass button in the main toolbar? That opens the world analyzer for your current save.

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

Now suddenly works, thanks for the help

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

I lied, idk when i press the backup current save button it doesn´t work my path is ok

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

As discussed in issue #46 , backing up and restoring is not supported for the Windows Store version of the game.

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

I just want to use the analyzer but i can´t use it if i dont back up first

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

did you click the magnifying glass button in the main toolbar? That opens the world analyzer for your current save.

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

The problem is that my current save doesnt work, its empy

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Can you explain what you mean by your current save being "empty"?

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

So i open the app, click on save the world or w/e and then i press the word analyzer but it has nothing on it

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

The list in the main app window does not list your current save. It lists the backups of your save (well, it would if you had any backups). You do not need to select anything in that list in order to view the analyzer for your current save.

I recommend reading about how the interface works: https://github.com/Razzmatazzz/RemnantSaveManager/wiki

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

if i try clicking on word analyzer withoyt doing a backup the character tab its empy and it doesnt show info about the world

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Can you copy and paste the text from the Log tab of the main window?

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

nvm now works, sometimes when i reroll the adventure it works and sometime it doesn´t

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

The analyzer only updates when the save updates. Rolling itself does not trigger a save update, but traveling does. To check a new roll, you need to roll it and then travel to it.

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

I rerroll a new world on adventure, i travel, image then i click on the world analyzer and: image empy. image Here is the log

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Interesting... can you .zip up your save files and post them here? The save files when the analyzer is blank would be most helpful.

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago


Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I'm not sure what's going on here. From the Windows Store saves I looked at previously, my understanding was the container.# file contains references to the names of the other files to map out which file is the profile save and which files are the world saves for each character. Contrary to that understanding, the values stored in container.91 do not correspond to the other filenames for your save.

Can you discern any pattern for when the analyzer goes blank?

The attached test build might disregard save file changes when the save becomes "invalid" like this. rsm-test.zip

hruiz7 commented 3 years ago

Idk, its random, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn´t, when i quit the game and try to use it it usually works

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Ok, let me know if that test build helps at all.

ch0p16 commented 3 years ago

Hey Razzmatazzz, ive been having the same problem hruiz7 does, i tried both builds and it only reads the save file a few times after dozens of tries. It just randomly works sometimes

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

There's not much more I can do. For some reason, the Windows Store version of the game uses a different save file system and that system doesn't seem to reliably update the saves like the other versions of the game do.

The test build I posted above should work the best. Also, be sure that you're traveling to your world after rolling because that's the only way to make the save update.

0DarkBrain0 commented 3 years ago

Играю в версию Xbox Game Pass. И у меня не отображается активное сохранение. Так полагаю с версией Microsoft анализатор работать не будет?

Razzmatazzz commented 3 years ago

Это правильно. Версия игры для Магазина Windows использует другую файловую систему сохранения, которая не так доступна, как обычная версия игры.

Maverick-PDS commented 2 years ago

Hi guys, Razzmatazzz,

Thanks a ton for the app!

I'm also having problems with the Gamepass version; it worked the first time I ran your program, but then wouldn't update when I rolled a new adventure map. When I closed your app, reopened and re-analyzed, it worked on the new adventure. Afterwards it stopped working for all new adventures, so I deleted the %localappdata% of your app and reinstalled the zip, as well as started a new campaign in game, and it worked! Then I rerolled an adventure map and it didn't work. I tried to repeat the process of starting a fresh campaign and deleted the %localappdata%, but it's still saying: "No new game info found."

However, when I go into the save folder, it shows that the save file is updating, which contradicts what you said above, about it not reliably saving on Gamepass.

This info probably won't help, and I appreciate the work you've put into this! I just figured some additional info may give you an idea.


There's not much more I can do. For some reason, the Windows Store version of the game uses a different save file system and that system doesn't seem to reliably update the saves like the other versions of the game do.

The test build I posted above should work the best. Also, be sure that you're traveling to your world after rolling because that's the only way to make the save update.

Razzmatazzz commented 2 years ago

I was a bit imprecise in saying it "doesn't seem to reliably update the saves like the other versions of the game do." I didn't mean that the save files were not being updated. They certainly are; that's the whole point of save files. I meant that when they are updated, they don't always seem to be updated in a consistent way that the save manager can read readily parse. Sometimes the state of the save files "makes sense" and sometimes it doesn't.