Review your Teamwork Project team members’ LinkedIn profiles and provide constructive feedback.
Consider the information added to their profile, their photos, their transferrable skills, if you can spot any grammar or spelling mistakes, what they’ve posted recently and how they are interacting on it.
When giving feedback, remember that this is an important moment to give your peer a present.
[ ] Describe what you can see/evaluate on their LinkedIn page
[ ] Explain why you think it is good with a clear example
[ ] Explain the impact of it, either positive or negative
[ ] Have a conversation about it
Estimated time in hours (PD has max 4 per week total)
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Code Your Future believes in collective intelligence, which focuses on openness and sharing. This assignment will allow you to support your peers and learn from each other.
How to submit
Share the screenshot of your feedback on this issue.
If you provided feedback in person, write it down and add it as a comment on this issue.
Coursework content
Review your Teamwork Project team members’ LinkedIn profiles and provide constructive feedback.
Consider the information added to their profile, their photos, their transferrable skills, if you can spot any grammar or spelling mistakes, what they’ve posted recently and how they are interacting on it.
When giving feedback, remember that this is an important moment to give your peer a present.
Estimated time in hours (PD has max 4 per week total)
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Code Your Future believes in collective intelligence, which focuses on openness and sharing. This assignment will allow you to support your peers and learn from each other.
How to submit