RblSb / SyncTube

Synchronized video viewing with chat and other features (one-channel web service)
MIT License
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Disable Leader #42

Open fosytherrac opened 1 year ago

fosytherrac commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to disable the "Leader"?

I want everyone to be able to Stop and Play without being the "Leader". This is the reason my friends wont use it :(

If there isnt, is there a way you could implement such a feature that can turn on/off the "Leader" control? (via environment variable or toggle switch)

RblSb commented 1 year ago

You can try {"requestLeaderOnPause": true} in user/config.json, so every play/pause event will give/remove leader automatically. Because of browser limitations, you cannot detect if pause is triggered by player interface click, i think, only listen when pause is happened. And pause event can be triggered by some unwanted events, like buffering or tab switch, see https://github.com/RblSb/SyncTube/issues/13 As alternative there is currently right click on Leader button for fast pause, long tap on touch devices, and alt-P hotkey. We can put custom Pause button on page somewhere, but not sure how else to improve this situation.

fosytherrac commented 1 year ago

Yes! This almost works great. But this unfortunately only works with Pausing.

Is there a way to add it to also have the same function on pressing play?

RblSb commented 1 year ago

Unpause in this mode works for the person who paused it. But yea, i can maybe test additional option when evebody can unpause, if you still interested.

fosytherrac commented 1 year ago

this would be very cool, i am sure this would improve the project even more! but dont stress about it. :)

haveachin commented 6 months ago

That you need to click the leader button before you can continue video playback is really annoying. Even a workaround for that would be great. requestLeaderOnPause is very nice though.