Rbojja23 / rohan_2025

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Review Sprint 1 - September 19 #3

Open Rbojja23 opened 1 day ago

Rbojja23 commented 1 day ago
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Rank to Ratio, rank is an integer
0 = .00 work, but faking understanding/accomplishment
1 = .55 incomplete assignment, big gaps
2 = .75 meeting some objectives, multiple little gaps
3 = .85 meeting most objectives, one little gap
4 = .90 meeting all objectives
4+Mastered-Y = .95 exceeding all objectives, requires links and office hours verification

Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace [ Y] 4+ 0.95 verification by Linux commands notebook
VSCode [Y] 4+ 0.95 live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug
Show VSCode GitLens [Y] 4+ 0.95 verify commits, show change, comments, reset to commit, run on old commit
GitHub student_2025 repo [Y] 4+ 0.95 template create, push changes, verify id, review analytics
GitHub Pages Actions [Y] 4+ 0.95 review runs and verify runtime, receive demo
Hacks Tools & Equipment Play [Y] 4 0.90 Created python cells for emojis. (https://rbojja23.github.io/rohan_2025/2024/09/05/hacks_tool_equipment_play_IPYNB_2_.html)
Hacks GitHub Pages Playground [Y ] 4 0.90 Hacks (https://rbojja23.github.io/rohan_2025/about/)
Hacks SASS Basics [N ] 4 0.90 Hacks (https://rbojja23.github.io/rohan_2025/)
Hacks Frontend [Y] 4 0.90 Added HTML in about page. (https://rbojja23.github.io/rohan_2025/about/)
Pair Programming [Y] 4 0.90 me and partner created cookie clicker game at similar level, but slightly different
Total     9.25  
Average     0.925  
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Rank to Ratio, rank is an integer
1 = .55
2 = .75
3 = .85
4 = .90
4+Mastered-Y = .95

Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Attendance [Y ] 4+ 0.95  I have been present for all classes except 1 excused absence, but I was able to complete all the work remotely to stay up to date.
Work Habits [ Y] 3 0.85 My work habits deserve a 3 due to my commits not be as consistent as I wanted to. One reason for this his because in the begging, I only made commits after 5 or 6 changes, but now I make sure to create intervals, for around 1-3 changes.
Behavior [ Y] 3 0.85  I deserve a 3 in behavior, due to talking often out of turn and cutting into the teacher. I am improving this however by staying more in line and being calmer when I speak, so I don't disturb others.
Timeliness [Y ] 4 0.90 I have done by work on time and have not been late to a due date yet. Something I can improve on is completing the Sprints ahead of time so I have more time to set towards review.
Tech Sense [ Y] 3 0.85  I gave myself a 3 in tech sense because I understand the technology and concepts we used in relation to what we learned in class. However, there is still much to make sense about.
Tech Talk [Y ] 3 0.85  I am able to explain what I have done on my projects. However, it is crucial to learn larger extents of tech vocabulary to use in the future.
Tech Growth [Y ] 4 0.90  I am learning a lot in this class from when I first started, so I believe this heavy contributed to my growth in the projects I create.
Advocacy [Y ] 4 0.90  I advocate for others success in this class by helping others who come over. This can be seen with a significant amount of our peers coming to me and Nikhil for help, as we are trustworthy in helping them achieve their goals.
Comm & Collab [ Y] 4 0.90 My partner, Nikhil, and I, both worked closely together in order to create a successful website design with concise content and interactive games. We believe these interactions and collaboration allowed us to understand how to contribute to a real work place for soft skills.
Integrity [Y ] 4+ 0.95 I did not cheat in any of my progress checks, and I believe I have shown realistic outcomes of my project on my checklist evaluations. I did use Chat GPT to help me create some website design ideas and projects, but I used it responsibly and understood what was coming out of it.
Organized [Y ] 4 0.90  I was organized throughout my project, as I made sure I had all my due dates in order. I made sure to keep everything clean and have my commits done in time.
Total     9.8  

Average: 0.891