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Rcpp link to Ceres #666

Closed yonicd closed 7 years ago

yonicd commented 7 years ago

Is Rcpp linked to the Ceres nonlinear equation solver? I am looking to implement Powell's dog-leg optim through R. I saw this post in Rcpp-devel mailing list that notes both Dirk and D. Bates.

I was wondering if the issue was raised again since 2012? and if there is a solution?


eddelbuettel commented 7 years ago

Linking to any C or C++ library should be straightforward.

Ceres itself is pretty old as it was around when I was a grad student. You could search for other packages which may already use it -- eg BOOM (but that one is huge and not a good example).

yonicd commented 7 years ago

thanks for the direction. i found minqa to solve bobyqa optim problems.
