RcppCore / RcppEigen

Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
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RcppEigen preparations #103

Closed eddelbuettel closed 6 months ago

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

NB: This (old) initial entry is outdated. Best to scroll to the bottom. As of late Feb 2024 we are down to three affected packages out of well over 400.

So with #102 (thanks again, @yixuan, for preparing it) we have a release candidate for RcppEigen It is currently running a first pass of reverse depends, and a few packages do indeed go belly up.

I suggest we pool resources between myself, @zdebruine, @yixuan, @bbolker ... and whoever wants and can help! Maybe some of the rstan folks want to pitch in?

~While the reverse depends run is still 'cooking' we have failures of these packages (and I will edit/complete this as it finishes)~ The run is now done (and fully summarized in this commit). We should focus on these ten failures out of 329 packages tested:

~Let's not despair---as I write this 191 have passes, or 20x more than those few failures. (I also skipped three)~

It would best if volunteers could step forward and pick package to adopt for a fix. A release candidate version of RcppEigen is in the Rcpp drat repo and be installed via install.packages("RcppEigen", repo="https://RcppCore.github.io/drat") (and you may have to set type="source", I generally don't on Linux).

If you adopt a package, comment below and edit your comment as you move along, eventually (ideally) showing a PR to the package you adopted. We can get this done---it is a matter of effectively parcelling out the grunt work. Let's do this.

The error summary (committed as usual to the rcpp-logs repo) is

Test of RcppEigen had 316 successes, 13 failures, and 3 skipped packages.                                                                                                                               
Ran from 2021-10-26 15:15:22.92 to 2021-10-27 00:09:34.52 for 8.903 hours                                                                                                                                          
Average of 96.541 secs relative to 575.519 secs using 6 runners                                                                                                                                                    

Failed packages:  breathteststan, ctsem, Eagle, eimpute, fssemR, fwildclusterboot, gRbase, groupedSurv, OpenMx, RAINBOWR, RMixtCompIO, SEMgraph, skpr                                                              

Skipped packages:  hBayesDM, kmcudaR, nlmixr                                                                                                                                                                       

None still working                                                                                                                                                                                                 

None still scheduled                                                                                                                                                                                               

Error summary:                                                                                                                                                                                                     
             package                missingPkg badInstall error fail warn note ok hasOtherIssue                                                                                                                    
 1:   breathteststan                                FALSE     0    0    0   14  0         FALSE  possibly unrelated numeric errors                                                                                 
 2:            ctsem                                 TRUE     0    0    1   13  0         FALSE  error: no matching function for call to ‘isinf(const stan::math::var&)'                                           
 3:            Eagle                                 TRUE     0    0    0    4 10         FALSE  error: no match for ‘operator=’                                                                                   
 4:          eimpute                                 TRUE     0    0    0   13  1         FALSE  error: no match for ‘operator/’                                                                                   
 5:           fssemR                                 TRUE     0    0    0   13  1         FALSE  error: no match for ‘operator=’                                                                                   
 6: fwildclusterboot                                FALSE     0    0    0    0 14         FALSE  possibly unrelated numeric errors                                                                                 
 7:           gRbase                                 TRUE     0    0    0    6  8         FALSE  error: static assertion failed: cannot convert type to SEXP                                                       
 8:      groupedSurv                                 TRUE     0    0    0    4 10         FALSE  error: cannot convert ‘Eigen::internal::enable_if<.....                                                           
 9:           OpenMx                                 TRUE     1    0    0   13  0          TRUE  error: no match for ‘operator-’                                                                                   
10:         RAINBOWR                                 TRUE     3    0    0    2  9         FALSE  unrelated: "Error: object ‘get_aes_var’ is not exported by 'namespace:rvcheck'"                                   
11:      RMixtCompIO                                 TRUE     0    0    0    4 10         FALSE  error: static assertion failed:                                                                                   
12:         SEMgraph 'cate', 'diffusr', 'flip'         NA     0    0    0    1 13         FALSE  passes once installed                                                                                             
13:             skpr                                 TRUE     0    0    0    4 10         FALSE  error: cannot convert ‘Eigen::internal::enable_if<....                    

I have skipped the package that passed once its dependencies were added and two with apparently unrelated test error. That leaves ten which failed to install under which is surely something we need to address if we want the package on CRAN.

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

/cc @bgoodri @SteveBronder

bgoodri commented 2 years ago

I'll make sure the rstan-related ones get taken care of. @SteveBronder said that Stan is good for Eigen 3.4 in general, but some of those packages may have some old C++ code generated by Stan.

zdebruine commented 2 years ago

With packageVersion("RcppEigen") ==

Eagle: PR submitted to mute unnecessary check in a function (https://github.com/davidaknowles/eagle/pull/2). Resulting test failure was unrelated to RcppEigen 0.3.99. Not sure why this was considered passing previously, if that was the case.

eimpute: Forked this repo (https://github.com/Mamba413/eimpute) and it's building fine on my machine. There are no tests that I can find in that repo, the vignette is building fine.

Part of my sessionInfo():

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19042)
other attached packages:
[1] ...        RcppEigen_0.
eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

@zdebruine I see a compile failure (on Linux). As you are set up with Eagle, please try it a different platform. Maybe Windows (which you use) is for once more helpful ;-)

zdebruine commented 2 years ago

@zdebruine I see a compile failure (on Linux). As you are set up with Eagle, please try it a different platform. Maybe Windows (which you use) is for once more helpful ;-)

Ah, the CRAN version of Eagle is actually ahead (2.4.5) of the GitHub version (1.0) of Eagle (davidaknowles/eagle), from which I had forked and installed. Yes, I can replicate your build issue with install.packages("Eagle") on Linux and Windows when installing from source.

zdebruine commented 2 years ago

I noticed that eagle is failing because it uses the long type, and the header library is missing operator definitions for long objects. This may be the case more broadly, judging from Dirk's errors showing lack of operator support. Recall what @yixuan stated in PR #102:

The problem was that in Eigen 3.4.0, Eigen/src/CholmodSupport/CholmodSupport.h introduced a series of cholmodl* functions intended for the long integer type, which were not defined in RcppEigenCholmod.h. The fix is to remove the definitions of those functions, as they are not used by RcppEigen.

Even if RcppEigen does not wrap or as any long objects, we still need support for long types in the header library. @yixuan am I wrong, or if we add back support for long will these packages be fine?

yixuan commented 2 years ago

@zdebruine Ah, what I mentioned was only concerned with the use of long type in CHOLMOD, which was not supported by current RcppEigen either.

The problem of Eagle is that in some cases it uses a double variable to index an element of the matrix. Specifically, in lines 146 and 272 of calculate_a_and_vara_rcpp.cpp (version 2.4.5 on CRAN), indx[i] is a double variable (coming from an Rcpp::NumericVector). So the authors should convert it to an int or long when indexing a matrix:

var_ans(long(indx[i]), 0) = ans1.dot(Mt.row(indx[i]));
SteveBronder commented 2 years ago

Hi sorry I'm running out the door right now so I'll comment in more detail tmrw, but I think the rstan on CRAN should be fine (using Stan 2.21) but Stan 2.21+ actually has some pretty major updates needed for Eigen 3.4. Early next week I can run Stan math 2.21's unit tests with Eigen 3.4 to see if anything breaks. If those pass then at least rstan should be good.

When updating the develop version of the Stan math library to use Eigen 3.4 there are a few places we won't compile because we need to use some Eigen internals to understand if we are looking at a matrix or expression and one tricky set of decompositions which are failing our tests. We were going to do a release of rstan soon with Stan 2.26 and I think that would break with 3.4. But I think ^ is probably in the realm of Stan problems and not RcppEigen problems so maybe we could sort this out ourselves without needing anything

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

@SteveBronder Thanks for the follow-up, but that's almost orthogonal to the question we are trying to answer here. Namely, who is going to step up and shepherd the ten known packages needing changes through making the changes. That set of packages does not include rstan (but possibly some users of stan headers -- I would have to check, the list is above).

SteveBronder commented 2 years ago

@eddelbuettel yes sorry that seemed a bit off topic, but I'm worried there are Stan functions not tested within rstan or other R packages that will numerically fail with RcppEigen moving to 3.4 like in the tests I'm seeing in the Stan math repository. The two functions (mdivide_left and mdivide_right) that fail numeric tests in Stan math have not been changed much since the rstan version of Stan (2.21). So my concern is for the 10 known packages but also the the scripts etc. that use rstan with functions not tested in any of these.

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

The focus of this thread is to find a way to get the ten packages that at current do not compile under Eigen 3.4.0 to actually compile under Eigen 3.4.0. I cannot and will not do it alone, but I am willing help if others step up.

So far nobody has, and if that doesn't change there won't be Eigen 3.4.0 at CRAN any time soon as they will not admit an update breaking ten existing packages.

As a reminder, one can install RcppEigen containing the snapshot in a single in dev environment, or Docker, or (with an extra argument) in libpath apart not hurting one's main system:

edd@rob:~$ docker run --rm -ti rcpp/run Rscript -e 'install.packages("RcppEigen", repos="https://rcppcore.github.io/drat")'                                                                                        
Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’                                                  
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)                                                                                                                                                                                          
trying URL 'https://rcppcore.github.io/drat/src/contrib/RcppEigen_0.'                                                                                                                               
Content type 'application/gzip' length 1741790 bytes (1.7 MB)                                                                                                                                                      
downloaded 1.7 MB  

[lots of the usual compiler noise removed]

gcc -std=gnu99 -I"/usr/share/R/include" -DNDEBUG  -I'/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/Rcpp/include'    -fpic  -g -O2 -ffile-prefix-map=/build/r-base-kpovBh/r-base-4.1.1=. -fstack-protector-strong -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wdate-time -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g  -c init.c -o init.o
g++ -std=gnu++14 -shared -L/usr/lib/R/lib -Wl,-z,relro -o RcppEigen.so RcppEigen.o RcppExports.o fastLm.o init.o -llapack -lblas -lgfortran -lm -lquadmath -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
installing to /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/00LOCK-RcppEigen/00new/RcppEigen/libs
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** checking absolute paths in shared objects and dynamic libraries
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (RcppEigen)

The downloaded source packages are in

(This uses a convenience container that already has R and Rcpp, on an empty system you have to add the drat to options$repo rather than overwriting its setting. There is a drat package helper function for that.)

bbolker commented 2 years ago

I will try to take one or two, but can't promise any hard deadlines ... (I don't, personally, much care whether RcppEigen 3.4.0 happens, but I can see that it is a good thing generally, and I see the need to distribute the workload.)

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

I feel the same. I still have a loooooong running Rcpp transition on my plate but this is also something that ought to get done, and ought to be doable. But it's a teaching term for me so my workload is a bit higher ...

zdebruine commented 2 years ago

@eddelbuettel @bbolker I'm personally invested in seeing this happen (my RcppML package would make good use of Eigen 3.4), and happy to help, but I'm in the first week of my postdoc and a novice compared to all you experts. It'll be a few weeks before I can give this what it needs.

jdblischak commented 2 years ago

Ah, the CRAN version of Eagle is actually ahead (2.4.5) of the GitHub version (1.0) of Eagle (davidaknowles/eagle), from which I had forked and installed.

@zdebruine I just wanted to jump in real quick to clear up some confusion. The versions are different because these are 2 different packages:

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

I just tried to look into Eagle and failed on


which majorly upset the template programming in Eigen and I have not found an easy way auto (via a temporary variable). Anybody?

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

Ok, took another stab and I now have Eagle, eimpute, and fssemR sorted out. All were a "simple" case of needing a cast for one of the row or col indices (computed from another Eigen expression) and I will create PRs. ctsem is more of a mystery, maybe someone from team rstan can take a look (hi, @SteveBronder).

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

Two quick updates:

  1. We have the first updated package, the winner is Eagle.

  2. And as we heard from a second, groupedSurv the fix I often made (static_cast<int>() for indices) is due to use of, say, VectorXd where VectorXi would be better. I think I may even have seen a hint of 'no longer accept double for indices' in the Eigen 3.4.0 release notes but did not realize this when preparing the patch. So if you read this as an (Rcpp)Eigen user, check that the indexing comes from VectorXi.

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

I have completed one pass and managed to create seven out of nine patch sets. I had to bail on ctsem (maybe @bgoodri and @SteveBronder can take a look?) as well as on RMixtCompIO (anybody ?). Second looks would be appreciated as would be gentle nags in due time to get the PRs and patches onto CRAN.

bgoodri commented 2 years ago

I will look at it. ctsem is one of the more complicated packges that uses Stan.

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 5:41 PM Dirk Eddelbuettel @.***> wrote:

I have completed one pass and managed to create seven out of nine patch sets. I had to bail on ctsem (maybe @bgoodri https://github.com/bgoodri and @SteveBronder https://github.com/SteveBronder can take a look?) as well as on RMixtCompIO (anybody ?). Second looks would be appreciated as would be gentle nags in due time to get the PRs and patches onto CRAN.

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cdriveraus commented 2 years ago

I'm just aware of this now, happy to try modify the stan code in ctsem but also not sure where to start. I'm available for any discussion / ideas @bgoodri ...

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

@cdriveraus Yep, I didn't email you til yesterday so no need to feel guilty :) And as you can see other packages "need to move too". As ctsem is ineed far from simply, help by @bgoodri and friends will be very much appreciated.

bgoodri commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that the compilation error with the ctsem package and Eigen 3.4 is not due to anything specific to ctsem. The same error

no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘const stan::math::var’ to ‘float’ 611 | isnan(float __x)

(and similarly for isinf) can be triggered more simply just by executing

rstan::stan_model(model_code =
functions {
  vector get_eigenvalues(matrix A) {
    return eigenvalues_sym(A);
parameters {
  cov_matrix[2] A;
model {
  vector[2] a = get_eigenvalues(A);

Stan definitely has implementations of isinf and isnan for its var types at

https://github.com/stan-dev/math/blob/develop/stan/math/rev/core/std_isinf.hpp#L16 https://github.com/stan-dev/math/blob/develop/stan/math/rev/core/std_isnan.hpp#L18

the problem is likely that those file are not getting included early enough. Stan's rev.hpp metaheader looks like


#include <stan/math/prim/fun/Eigen.hpp> // first because of the Eigen plugin and then includes Eigen/Dense

#include <stan/math/opencl/rev.hpp>

#include <stan/math/rev/core.hpp> // includes var definition and isinf, isnan, etc.
#include <stan/math/rev/meta.hpp>
#include <stan/math/rev/fun.hpp>
#include <stan/math/rev/functor.hpp>

#include <stan/math/prim.hpp> // includes eigenvalues_sym etc.


If that is correct, then this is definitely Stan's fault, but at the moment I don't know how to fix it without breaking our Eigen plugin. I also don't know how we got away with this under the previous versions of Eigen. @SteveBronder @andrjohns

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

Maybe making (more explicit) use of namespace possibly conditional behind a C++17 define (i.e. something like

#if  __cplusplus > 201703L

then you do not defone isinf, and hence do not clash? (Untested, obviously)

Edit I mixed up two parallel discussions that I am in -- sorry. This is not conditional on C++17 but "simply" on Eigen 3.4.0. You should still be able to test for it.

bgoodri commented 2 years ago

I think the issue with isinf and isnan would be fixed if I updated StanHeaders on CRAN. More recent versions of Stan put isinf and isnan in the std namespace so that the implementations for Stan's reverse mode var custom scalar type can be found by ADL. But the (much) older version of StanHeaders on CRAN defines them in the stan::math namespace and then ultimately calls std::isinf on the double value underlying the var type.

I have been planning for ages to update StanHeaders on CRAN anyway, but doing so requires a lot of patching to make it backwards compatible with the CRAN packages that use it. We have achieved backwards compatibility on everything but Windows, but then got sidetracked because some package that has rstan in its Suggests wrote a bad test that crashed R and CRAN wants me to upload a new rstan that is more user-proof. Unfortunately, I think the StanHeaders that I want to get Windows-compatible and onto CRAN will expose another issue with how Stan solves a triangular system of equations under Eigen 3.4 that I will need to figure out a workaround for.

TL;DR: If ctsem becomes the last package blocking RcppEigen, I'll upload a minor update to StanHeaders that just fixes the isinf and isnan thing.

Ivis4ml commented 2 years ago

I have fixed that and merged the fixed into the fssemR on github now. Will work on submit a new version of package onto CRAN later.

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

I ran another set today, first against RcppEigen at CRAN and then second against the RcppEigen release candidate for with Eigen 3.4.0:

Test of RcppEigen had 323 successes, 17 failures, and 2 skipped packages. 
Ran from 2021-12-25 23:35:31.69 to 2021-12-26 08:57:16.51 for 9.362 hours 
Average of 98.552 secs relative to 588.151 secs using 6 runners

Failed packages:  BigDataStatMeth, breathteststan, ctsem, eimpute, fssemR, fwildclusterboot, gRbase, groupedSurv, OpenMx, PReMiuM, RAINBOWR, RMixtCompIO, secr, SEMgraph, skpr, stan4bart, TDA 

Skipped packages:  hBayesDM, nlmixr 

None still working

None still scheduled

Error summary:
             package missingPkg badInstall error fail warn note ok hasOtherIssue
 1:  BigDataStatMeth                 FALSE     7    0    0    6  0          TRUE  not us, issues at CRAN
 2:   breathteststan                 FALSE     0    0    0   13  0         FALSE  not us, minor (?) recurring numeric test error
 3:            ctsem                  TRUE     0    0    0   13  0         FALSE  help needed with known Eigen 3.4.0 issue
 4:          eimpute                  TRUE     0    0    0   12  1         FALSE  patch emailed 2021-11-23
 5:           fssemR                  TRUE     0    0    0   12  1         FALSE  pr filed, merged, but not at CRAN yet
 6: fwildclusterboot                 FALSE     0    0    0    0 13         FALSE  flaky, small numerical error
 7:           gRbase                  TRUE     0    0    0    6  7         FALSE  pr filed 2021-11-26
 8:      groupedSurv                  TRUE     0    0    0    4  9         FALSE  patch emailed 2021-11-26
 9:           OpenMx                  TRUE     0    0    0   13  0          TRUE  pr filed 2021-11-27, merged 2021-11-30, but not at CRAN yet
10:          PReMiuM                  TRUE     0    0    0    4  9         FALSE  known flaky
11:         RAINBOWR                  TRUE     2    0    0    3  8         FALSE  not us, Error: object ‘get_aes_var’ is not exported by 'namespace:rvcheck'  
12:      RMixtCompIO                  TRUE     0    0    0    4  9         FALSE  maintainer emailed  
13:             secr                  TRUE     9    0    0    4  0         FALSE  known BH issues, needs one std::isnan
14:         SEMgraph                  TRUE    10    0    0    3  0         FALSE  not us, "Error: object ‘ggm_compare’ is not exported by 'namespace:GGMncv'"
15:             skpr                  TRUE     0    0    0    4  9         FALSE  pr file 2021-12-05
16:        stan4bart                  TRUE     0    0    0    4  9         FALSE  help needed
17:              TDA                  TRUE    10    0    0    3  0         FALSE  known BH issue, upstream contacted

We have two packages with merged changes that should be at CRAN at some point. But a number of packages have either not yet responded, or do not even have a fix.

In short, if you want to see this package updated at CRAN, please consider adopting a task. A message here should be good enough to monitor things.

bgoodri commented 2 years ago

I'll talk with @vdorie about stan4bart.

Quentin62 commented 2 years ago

Hi, the RmixtComp's maintainer emails me today about the eigen problem.
I'm working on it, this PR should solve the problem https://github.com/modal-inria/MixtComp/pull/20

Quentin62 commented 2 years ago

I think I solved the problem (I tested with RcppEigen_0. I will submit it on CRAN in the next days. Here is the archive, if you want to check with your pipeline

eddelbuettel commented 2 years ago

Two thumbs up! It does indeed. Thanks for taking care of that -- one down (fully once on CRAN).

SteveBronder commented 1 year ago

Sorry Stan has taken forever to sort this out. We just figured out the commit in the Eigen repo that caused our regression tests to fail. We're currently sorting out whether this is a Stan issue or Eigen issue. For anyone who wants to follow along the discussion is here

eddelbuettel commented 1 year ago

See #123 -- help with RcppEigen towards Eigen 3.4.0 would be greatly appreciated.

bgoodri commented 1 year ago

My impression is that Stan is good with either version of Eigen, but I am preparing to push another StanHeaders to CRAN, so I will run the reverse dependency checks with both versions of RcppEigen.

andrjohns commented 1 year ago

My impression is that Stan is good with either version of Eigen, but I am preparing to push another StanHeaders to CRAN, so I will run the reverse dependency checks with both versions of RcppEigen.

StanHeaders 2.26 isn't compatible (would need this PR), but 2.32 is fine

andrjohns commented 7 months ago

I've run the reverse-dependency checks locally, and there are now only a handful of packages which aren't compatible. The current status is summarised below:

Package Action Merged On CRAN
approxOT PR Opened x version 1.1.1 on CRAN 2024-01-31
eimpute PR Opened x version 0.2.3 on CRAN 2024-02-18
FastJM PR Opened x
GAGAs No public repo, emailed maintainer x version 0.6.2 on CRAN 2024-01-23
JMH PR Opened x version 1.0.3 on CRAN 2024-02-20
lme4 RcppEigen CHOLMOD issue  Resolved in RcppEigen
nebula PR Opened x version 1.5.3 on CRAN 2024-02-15
OpenMx RcppEigen CHOLMOD issue   Resolved in RcppEigen
PartialNetwork PR Opened x
svines PR Opened x version 0.2.3 on CRAN 2024-01-18
eddelbuettel commented 7 months ago

Confirming. Running the patch 3.4.0 branch, I get a similar list on a full reverse-depends run.

Without approxOT, and no lme4 or OpenMx due to fix but with TDA (known issue from BH update). Wicked cool that you opened these PRs! This is a suitably small list so I think we should pursue this 'with proper deadline' and maybe look at a, say, March update.

eddelbuettel commented 7 months ago

Here is a bit of data.table wrangling I found helpful in the long-running (and now completed!) quest to update RcppArmadillo:

> library(data.table)
> db <- data.table(tools::CRAN_package_db())
> pkgs <- c("approxOT", "eimpute", "FastJM", "GAGAs", "JMH", "nebula", "PartialNetwork", "RAINBOWR", "svines")
> db[Package %in% pkgs,.(Package,Version,Date,Published)][order(-Published)]
          Package Version       Date  Published
           <char>  <char>     <char>     <char>
1:          GAGAs   0.6.2       <NA> 2024-01-23
2:         svines   0.2.3       <NA> 2024-01-18
3:       approxOT     1.1 2024-01-15 2024-01-16
4:         FastJM   1.4.1 2024-01-06 2024-01-09
5:       RAINBOWR  0.1.33       <NA> 2023-09-12
6: PartialNetwork   1.0.2 2023-09-01 2023-08-22
7:         nebula   1.4.2 2023-07-03 2023-07-05
8:            JMH   1.0.2 2023-06-07 2023-06-15
9:        eimpute   0.2.2 2022-10-22 2022-10-22

leading to a shorter (yay!) list of open tickets:

> pkgs <- c("approxOT", "eimpute", "FastJM", "JMH", "nebula", "PartialNetwork", "RAINBOWR")
> db[Package %in% pkgs,.(Package,Version,Date,Published)][order(-Published)]
          Package Version       Date  Published
           <char>  <char>     <char>     <char>
1:       approxOT     1.1 2024-01-15 2024-01-16
2:         FastJM   1.4.1 2024-01-06 2024-01-09
3:       RAINBOWR  0.1.33       <NA> 2023-09-12
4: PartialNetwork   1.0.2 2023-09-01 2023-08-22
5:         nebula   1.4.2 2023-07-03 2023-07-05
6:            JMH   1.0.2 2023-06-07 2023-06-15
7:        eimpute   0.2.2 2022-10-22 2022-10-22
eddelbuettel commented 7 months ago

One shorter set of failures on another rev.dep run: eimpute, FastJM, JMH, nebula, PartialNetwork, RAINBOWR.

> library(data.table)
data.table 1.15.0 using 6 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news: r-datatable.com
> db <- data.table(tools::CRAN_package_db())
> pkgs <- c("eimpute", "FastJM", "JMH", "nebula", "PartialNetwork", "RAINBOWR")
> db[Package %in% pkgs,.(Package,Version,Date,Published)][order(-Published)]
          Package Version       Date  Published
           <char>  <char>     <char>     <char>
1:         FastJM   1.4.1 2024-01-06 2024-01-09
2:       RAINBOWR  0.1.33       <NA> 2023-09-12
3: PartialNetwork   1.0.2 2023-09-01 2023-08-22
4:         nebula   1.4.2 2023-07-03 2023-07-05
5:            JMH   1.0.2 2023-06-07 2023-06-15
6:        eimpute   0.2.2 2022-10-22 2022-10-22
eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

Ran another reverse dependency check after making a small change in the main branch. Unchanged: same six packages failing. I am now going to send an email to the five distinct maintainers of these packages, reminding them of the PRs kindly prepared by @andrjohns and proposing an actual release two weeks from now on Feb 28.

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

nebula was just updated on CRAN! So we are down to five.

> library(data.table)
data.table 1.15.0 using 6 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news: r-datatable.com
> db <- data.table(tools::CRAN_package_db())
> pkgs <- c("eimpute", "FastJM", "JMH", "PartialNetwork", "RAINBOWR")
> db[Package %in% pkgs,.(Package,Version,Date,Published)][order(-Published)]
          Package Version       Date  Published
           <char>  <char>     <char>     <char>
1:         FastJM   1.4.1 2024-01-06 2024-01-09
2:       RAINBOWR  0.1.33       <NA> 2023-09-12
3: PartialNetwork   1.0.2 2023-09-01 2023-08-22
4:            JMH   1.0.2 2023-06-07 2023-06-15
5:        eimpute   0.2.2 2022-10-22 2022-10-22
yixuan commented 6 months ago

I suspect that the email of the original maintainer of eimpute is no longer valid, and I have just sent an email to other authors of the package (the emails listed in DESCRIPTOIN are also out-dated, and I happen to know their new addresses). Hope we get some response in the next few days.

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

Agreed that that is problematic, but CRAN has a way of taking care of it. I have seen a number of packages from the Rcpp nexus disappear in the last few weeks (often over simple size_t compiler warnings and whatnot -- but no response leads to removal).

I am really thankful for the work you and @andrjohns did: it is time we get to 3.4.0. If only five packages are in the way among well over 400 using RcppEigen then it is worth proceeding.

That said, let's reach out as best as we can. That several of the PRs were merged is good too. eimpute and PartialNetwork appear to be the only ones without a (visible, to me) response so far.

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

@yixuan Now confirmed as I got email from Zhe Gao, now at USTC. eimpute has been updated and submitted to CRAN so we may be down to four soon.

yixuan commented 6 months ago

Yeah I also received an update email from Zhe. Seems we have moved one step forward!

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

Yes indeed. The possible 'shrapnel' is now under 1% -- 4 out of over 400 packages. And they all have merged. This will, after all, work out and quite smoothly.

Nice when patience pays off. Thanks again for your persistent help all along!

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

And eimpute is now on CRAN:


So now at

> library(data.table)
data.table 1.15.0 using 6 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news: r-datatable.com
> db <- data.table(tools::CRAN_package_db())
> pkgs <- c("FastJM", "JMH", "PartialNetwork", "RAINBOWR")
> db[Package %in% pkgs,.(Package,Version,Date,Published)][order(-Published)]
          Package Version       Date  Published
           <char>  <char>     <char>     <char>
1:         FastJM   1.4.1 2024-01-06 2024-01-09
2:       RAINBOWR  0.1.33       <NA> 2023-09-12
3: PartialNetwork   1.0.2 2023-09-01 2023-08-22
4:            JMH   1.0.2 2023-06-07 2023-06-15
eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

Now JMH is on CRAN too so we are down to three:

> library(data.table)
data.table 1.15.0 using 6 threads (see ?getDTthreads).  Latest news: r-datatable.com
> db <- data.table(tools::CRAN_package_db())
> pkgs <- c("FastJM", "PartialNetwork", "RAINBOWR")
> db[Package %in% pkgs,.(Package,Version,Date,Published)][order(-Published)]
          Package Version       Date  Published
           <char>  <char>     <char>     <char>
1:         FastJM   1.4.1 2024-01-06 2024-01-09
2:       RAINBOWR  0.1.33       <NA> 2023-09-12
3: PartialNetwork   1.0.2 2023-09-01 2023-08-22
eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

It has been shipped to CRAN. :crossed_fingers:

eddelbuettel commented 6 months ago

Thanks, on its way to CRAN.

Yay yay yay! Huge huge thank you to all who help, especially @yixuan @andrjohns @jaganmn !