RcppCore / RcppEigen

Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
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Can't install on arm64 (MacOS) #117

Closed Scarefaced closed 1 year ago

Scarefaced commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to use a package (snowRMM) using RcppEigen, but the installation halts. When i try to install RcppEigen separately the following error-message occurs:

19 warnings generated. clang -arch arm64 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG -I'/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1-arm64/Resources/library/Rcpp/include' -I/opt/R/arm64/include -fPIC -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2 -c init.c -o init.o clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++14 -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module -multiply_defined suppress -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -L/opt/R/arm64/lib -o RcppEigen.so RcppEigen.o RcppExports.o fastLm.o init.o -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -lRlapack -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -lRblas -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0 -L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lemutls_w -lm -F/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/.. -framework R -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.2.0/11.0.0' ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/R/arm64/gfortran/lib' ld: library not found for -lgfortran clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) make: *** [RcppEigen.so] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘RcppEigen’

Please help as my progress with snowRMM seemingly is halted due to RcppEigen.

Kind regards

eddelbuettel commented 1 year ago

You need to install gfortran. There should be some support posts around, else please ask on r-sig-mac.