RdStudios9145 / AnotherOSbutinrust

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GTK does not init. #3

Closed aelnosu closed 1 month ago

aelnosu commented 1 month ago
[+] Building 5.9s (12/12) FINISHED docker:default => [internal] load build definition from dockerfile 0.0s => => transferring dockerfile: 686B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/debian:latest 5.5s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s => => transferring context: 2B 0.0s => [1/8] FROM docker.io/library/debian:latest@sha256:1aadfee8d292f64b045adb830f8a58bfacc15789ae5f489a0fedcd517a862cb9 0.0s => [internal] load build context 0.0s => => transferring context: 29B 0.0s => CACHED [2/8] RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install curl wget gcc clang make qemu-utils qemu-system-x86 qemu-system-gui xauth build-essential git l 0.0s => CACHED [3/8] RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs sh -s -- -y --profile complete --default-toolchain nightly 0.0s => CACHED [4/8] RUN . "$HOME/.cargo/env" && rustup override set nightly && rustup target add x86_64-unknown-none && rustup component add rust-src && rustup component add l 0.0s => CACHED [5/8] RUN git clone https://github.com/RdStudios9145/AnotherOSbutinrust.git 0.0s => CACHED [6/8] COPY start.sh / 0.0s => CACHED [7/8] RUN chmod +x /start.sh 0.0s => exporting to image 0.1s => => exporting layers 0.0s => => writing image sha256:79a2efea3d0f621b0a8a40924cabb97528c039780dd6d3b7d70293c5803331a2 0.0s => => naming to docker.io/library/another_os 0.0s Successfully copied 2.05kB to another_os:/root/.Xauthority Error response from daemon: No such container: another_os Press enter to continue f36f57793297fbff3b7ef3f10fea737aed3d2e24fe1d2b63cec1ef3c0b105eef eason@Linux-book-pro:/media/eason/devFS/main/local/AnotherOSbutinrust$ docker ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f36f57793297 another_os "/bin/bash start.sh" 14 seconds ago Up 12 seconds another_os eason@Linux-book-pro:/media/eason/devFS/main/local/AnotherOSbutinrust$ docker attach another_os Compiling futures-channel v0.3.30 Compiling wyz v0.5.1 Compiling async-lock v3.3.0 Compiling futures-lite v2.3.0 Compiling async-io v1.13.0 Compiling event-listener v2.5.3 Compiling linux-raw-sys v0.3.8 Compiling futures-task v0.3.30 Compiling funty v2.0.0 Compiling pin-utils v0.1.0 Compiling bitvec v1.0.1 Compiling serde_derive v1.0.200 Compiling futures-macro v0.3.30 Compiling polling v3.7.0 Compiling pin-project-internal v1.1.5 Compiling futures-util v0.3.30 Compiling async-io v2.3.2 Compiling async-lock v2.8.0 Compiling socket2 v0.4.10 Compiling signal-hook-registry v1.4.2 Compiling async-signal v0.2.6 Compiling pin-project v1.1.5 Compiling event-listener v3.1.0 Compiling thiserror v1.0.59 Compiling smallvec v1.13.2 Compiling rustversion v1.0.15 Compiling futures-executor v0.3.30 Compiling futures v0.3.30 Compiling futures-concurrency v7.6.0 Compiling async-process v1.8.1 Compiling thiserror-impl v1.0.59 Compiling getrandom v0.2.14 Compiling lock_api v0.4.12 Compiling llvm-tools v0.1.1 Compiling crc-catalog v2.4.0 Compiling serde_json v1.0.116 Compiling anyhow v1.0.82 Compiling crc v3.2.1 Compiling uuid v1.8.0 Compiling serde-big-array v0.4.1 Compiling bincode v1.3.3 Compiling bit_field v0.10.2 Compiling fastrand v2.1.0 Compiling ryu v1.0.17 Compiling volatile v0.4.6 Compiling itoa v1.0.11 Compiling scopeguard v1.2.0 Compiling bootloader_api v0.11.7 Compiling byteorder v1.5.0 Compiling fatfs v0.3.6 Compiling x86_64 v0.15.1 Compiling mbrman v0.5.2 Compiling tempfile v3.10.1 Compiling bootloader-boot-config v0.11.7 Compiling gpt v3.1.0 Compiling bootloader v0.11.7 Compiling spin v0.5.2 Compiling pic8259 v0.11.0 Compiling spin v0.9.8 Compiling lazy_static v1.4.0 Compiling noto-sans-mono-bitmap v0.2.0 Compiling ovmf-prebuilt v0.1.0-alpha.1 Compiling kernel v0.1.0 (/AnotherOSbutinrust/kernel) warning: creating a shared reference to mutable static is discouraged --> kernel/src/gdt.rs:13:59
13 let stack_start = VirtAddr::from_ptr(unsafe { &STACK });
^^^^^^ shared reference to mutable static

= note: for more information, see issue #114447 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/114447 = note: this will be a hard error in the 2024 edition = note: this shared reference has lifetime 'static, but if the static ever gets mutated, or a mutable reference is created, then any further use of this shared reference is Undefined Behavior = note: #[warn(static_mut_refs)] on by default help: use addr_of! instead to create a raw pointer | 13 | let stack_start = VirtAddr::from_ptr(unsafe { addr_of!(STACK) }); | ~~~

warning: kernel (bin "kernel") generated 1 warning Compiling os_t2 v0.1.0 (/AnotherOSbutinrust) Finished dev profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 4m 58s Running target/debug/os_t2 gtk initialization failed

aelnosu commented 1 month ago

I will look into it.

aelnosu commented 1 month ago

Moved to https://github.com/Eason-Y-Lu/AnotherOSbutinrust/issues/1