Rdeisenroth / Rubos-TUDA-Template

Eine LaTeX-Vorlage für Hausübungsabgaben an der TU-Darmstadt mit dem Corperate-Design
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Display english labels when document language is english #4

Open jonasrohw opened 2 months ago

jonasrohw commented 2 months ago

\documentclass[ ngerman, language=german, color=9c, submission, %dark_mode, % solution=true, boxarc, fleqn, ] When setting this to english, labels like "Abgabe von" "Übungsblatt Nummer" etc. should be displayed "Submission from" etc.


Rdeisenroth commented 2 months ago

Since i hardcoded all the strings in the past, i will have to cleanup a bit first. I will see when i get around to do that