Re4son / re4son-kernel-builder

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Compile with non defaults options #13

Open bbaranoff opened 3 years ago

bbaranoff commented 3 years ago

Hello have this in srsepc kali@kali:~$ sudo srsepc [sudo] Mot de passe de kali :

Built in Release mode using commit f02bfe2cf on branch HEAD.

--- Software Radio Systems EPC ---

Reading configuration file /root/.config/srslte/epc.conf... HSS Initialized. Subscribing to sctp_data_io_events failed MME S11 Initialized MME GTP-C Initialized MME Initialized. MCC: 0xf001, MNC: 0xff01 SPGW GTP-U Initialized. SPGW S11 Initialized. SP-GW Initialized.

And I need to compile your kernel with the good sctp option added to get rid of Subscribing to sctp_data_io_events failed

and for that I want to know how to compile your kernel with -8 and just add the option for sctp ??

Goodbye, Bastien Baranoff

bbaranoff commented 3 years ago

Think I got it will post and close when sure

bbaranoff commented 3 years ago

Have enabled full IPv6 to be able enable full SCTP but can't boot (but I have rm many files in /boot to be able to remplace with your kernel so I think I done something wrong...) Will post a small how-to to reproduce the steps i took. Good be fun if Kali run srsLTE on RPi 4 (Can run on Ubuntu tested with bladeRF and pi4 8gb)